Page 26 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 26


          SAFETY AND


          EDUCATION AT

          SCHOOL LEVEL

           Look at the world around us. It will not take much time to realise the omnipresence of unsafe practices and lack of
           responsible conduct in all spheres of our life and their ill effects. No amount of exhortation has helped in eliminating
           these evils. Only lasting solution to behaviour modification lies in starting early at younger ages. Inculcate the value of
           safe practice and responsible behaviour through eduction in Safety, Risk Management and Insurance. In the past very
           little has happeneed on this count. It has remained a wishful thinking. It is time to initiate some concrete steps.

         New Education Policy(NEP) recently approved by the Central  On their own, these two changes mean nothing. The
         Government is the current focus of the country. Two  specific reform measures which form part of the policy
         highlights of NEP repeatedly flashed in the media headlines  change, the way they are implemented and the extent of
         are,                                                 resources committed for actualisation of those policy
                                                              measures will decide future of Indian education system. I
          First, the change of format from 7+3+2 to (3+2) 5+3+3+4,
                                                              am sure, the policy which saw the light of the day after a
                                                              long incubation period, will initiate real refreshing reforms
            Second, the renaming of HRD Ministry as Education
                                                              to transform the outdated Indian educational system.
                                                              The quality of Indian education is no secret nor are the
                        About the author                      reasons for such poor quality. The dichotomy of few bright
                                                              academic spots contributing immensely in the intellectual
                          S H Gejji                           domain along with vast majority of Indians with deplorable
                          M.Com LLB(Gen) FIII                 standards, is probably another reality unique to India. In the
                          (Retired official of The New India  field of economics gini co-efficient is an index used to
                          Assurance Co Ltd.,  Faculty and PGDM  measure 'economic inequality'. A similar index for measuring
                          Coordinator at National Insurance   appalling 'literacy in-equality' might come handy in
                          Academy, Pune (On deputation during  attracting the required constant attention of policy makers
                          2013-18).                           to the status of country's educational environment.

          26  The Insurance Times, July 2020
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