Page 23 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 23

Cover Story



          SCHEMES TO

          GEN-S (SILVER-


          Darkness in the Twilight years

         O         f late, human lives are fraught with increased  members. In the past, our traditional Joint Family system used

                   incidence of health ailments on account of
                                                              to provide an excellent support structure with a philosophy
                   routine and sedentary lifestyles. Though, there
                                                              “One for All and All for One”. However, the Joint family system
                   is considerable improvement in medical
         technology in addressing the health emergencies, the  is moving to Nuclear families on account of increased pace
                                                              of relocation of people within the region, across the states
         associated costs for treatment are also on the rise. Any  and even abroad in pursuit of employment, career
         hospitalisation without health insurance potentially creates  opportunities and improved livelihood. Though, the children
         a financial `tsunami` in the family thereby causing mental  love their parents and wish to take care of their requirements,
         anguish and stress. Thus, protecting self and loved ones from  they find it difficult to manage their financial resources on
         any health eventuality is a must by choosing an appropriate  account of increased living costs, health and education
         health insurance plan. `Health is Wealth`, is what we know.  expenses. Truly, these factors shattered the long-established
         It is being realised, going forward, that health requires lot  system and had adverse impact on Gen-S segment.
         of wealth.
                                                              In the above backdrop, most of the senior citizens are living
         Life is full of uncertainties but “Aging” is certain and we have  independently with little or no support from their children/
         to live with the age-related ailments with the support of family  family members. The increased medical expenses have
                                                              become a burden on the weak purse strings of Gen-S as
                        About the author                      there sources of income is limited mostly pension and
                                                              interest income. Thus, this segment is looking for formal
           N S N Reddy                                        health care service providers and also opting for Health
           B. Com, CAIIB, PGDBM (NIBM)                        Insurance Schemes to meet their present and future medical
           Asst. General Manager (Retired)                    needs to lead their lives independently, peacefully and
           Andhra Bank
                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2020 23
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