Page 21 - The Insurance Times July 2020
P. 21



         COVID-19 insurance gap             However, there will be significant chal-  Belgian insurance industry
                                            lenges in delivering such a solution.
         creates opportunity for                                               to see GWP declines across
                                            When businesses were forced to close
         parametric model                   their doors across the UK to reduce the  the board in 2020
         COVID-19 has highlighted that the  spread of the virus, insurers received  The economic uncertainty and high risk
         majority of businesses had no insur-  an influx of claims on business interrup-  of unemployment is expected to ad-
         ance protection against pandemics,  tion policies. In order to pay these  versely impact the premium earnings
         even if they held a business interrup-  claims, insurers would need to hold  of Belgian insurers, according to
         tion policy, which has created an op-  large amounts of liquid assets. The  GlobalData, a leading data and
         portunity in the market, according to  Association of British Insurers expects  analytics company.
         GlobalData, a leading data and     its members to pay out £900m in busi-  GlobalData forecasts both the life and
         analytics company. One startup, Ma-  ness interruption-related claims as a  the general insurance markets to de-
         chine Cover, is looking to capitalize by  result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  cline in Gross written premium (GWP)
         offering parametric insurance to pro-
                                            Yasha Kuruvilla, Insurance Analyst at  in 2020. The life market is now ex-
         vide protection to businesses in future
                                            GlobalData, comments: “Given that  pected to decline by 1.7%, while it was
         periods of major economic downturn.
                                            only a minority of companies have  previously forecasted to grow by 2.0%.
         GlobalData’s 2019 UK SME Insurance  cover against pandemics, the cost to  Similarly, GlobalData expects the gen-
         Survey found that 17.3% of UK small  insurers if the majority of businesses  eral insurance market to decline by
         and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)  were covered would be exorbitant.  1.6%, compared to growth of 1.5%
         held business interruption policies last  This limits the efficacy of the traditional  before the pandemic.
         year. However, the majority of these  insurance model when dealing with  GlobalData insurance analyst, Deblina
         policies do not provide cover for  pandemics. Parametric insurance could  Mitra, commented: “GlobalData’s job
         pandemics, which has led to tension  be a good starting point in navigating  analytics database shows there has
         between businesses and the insurance  some of the insurance issues that have  been a 1% decline in the number of
         industry. Parametric insurance can  become apparent. Since payouts are  active jobs in the insurance industry in
         help form part of the solution to pre-  based on a clear, measurable statistic  the last 30 days. This is based on the
         vent this from happening again in the  that is agreed upon by both parties,  jobs’ data tracked across 11 insurance
         future.                            there is no grey area regarding    entities in the country.”
         Parametric insurance operates on the  whether a claim should be paid or not.
                                                                               The virus outbreak is expected to lead
         premise that once a certain event is  “While it is unlikely that one insurtech will  to partial deterioration of the insurers’
         triggered, a payout is automatically  be able to hold the required capital to  capital strength, as decline in cash flow
         issued to the policyholder. According to  successfully protect businesses against  due to economic uncertainty and low
         Machine Cover, its policy will automati-  future pandemics, using the model of  premium earnings from new policies
         cally pay out once there is a very sig-  parametric insurance to do so is certainly  will impact insurers’ profitability. Fur-
         nificant decline in economic activity.  worth considering moving forward.”  thermore, higher claims demand from

                                                                            The Insurance Times, July 2020 21
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