Page 39 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 39

Non-Life Insurance Plan

Car Insurance

from Cholamandalam General Insurance

Why Car Insurance?

Once you buy a car it becomes crucial to protect your
vehicle against risks and uncertainties. The moment your
car rolls down the road, it is prone to many unforeseen
hazards such as accidents, fire, theft and loss of vehicle,
resulting in sudden and huge expenses that may drain out
your hard earned money.

A good car insurance policy makes sure your vehicle stays safe  6. Optional cover for personal accident of up to INR 2

and secure against any unfortunate event and your expenses      lakhs for passengers in your car

are completely covered in the wake of any such incidents. 7. Cashless claims facility available at more than 600

                                                                Chola MS preferred garages

CHOLA MS comprehensive car insurance policy provides            8. Seamless and hassle-free claims process
you with all the above benefits along with a complete           9. Facility to buy online car insurance through simple and
peace of mind and sense of security. Not only does it
cover your vehicle from accidents and losses but also from           hassle-free procedures
the damage done through natural calamities like
earthquake, cyclones and floods. Our easy to buy online         10. Quick and easy online insurance renewal process
vehicle insurance policy ensures that your vehicle is in safe
hands and your losses are covered in the most optimum           What does it cover?
                                                                1. Third Party Personal Liability with unlimited coverage.
Benefits                                                        2. Third Party Property Damage with a maximum cover

1. Complete comprehensive cover that offers both Third               of INR 7,50,000, in case of private cars.
     Party Cover and Own Damage Cover
                                                                3. Own Damage Cover
2. Third Party Liability Cover that includes TP Personal
     Liability & Property Liability                             4. Other Covers available are
3. Personal Accident Cover for the owner, driver and                  Add-on Covers for Private Vehicles
     passengers                                                       Fixed Daily Allowance of INR 500 or INR 1,000 per
                                                                          day Reinstatement Value to ensure maximum
4. Protection for your vehicle against damage or loss due                 claim benefit
     to accidental external means, theft, burglary and                Waiver of reduction in depreciation for partial
     various other perils                                                 losses
                                                                      Cover for personal belongings and clothing
5. Discount on Own Damage (OD) premium for claim                          destroyed or damaged in a fire or an accident
     free policy years - No Claim Bonus

                                                                The Insurance Times, February 2016 39

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