Page 43 - Insurance Times February 2016
P. 43


Legal Case Studies - Ombudsman decisions
on Life Insurance - Death Claims

       Complaint No. LI - 1811 (2013 - 2014)                   father-in-law of the deceased life assured to the Investigat-
                                                               ing Officer of LIC.
             Complainant: Shri Ajay Patil
                                                               As per the underwriting rules of LIC, if the life to be assured
                             V/s                               is housewife without any income of her own, she is given
                                                               insurance equal to husband's insurance. Thus in case of Smt.
    Respondent: Life Insurance Corporation of                  Deepa Patil if she would have truthfully disclosed about her
                            India                              income, LIC would not have issues issuing policy to her at
                                                               all as per their underwriting rules.
The deceased, Smt. Deepa Patil had taken Limited Payment
Endowment Assurance plan from Life Insurance Corpora-          Contracts of Insurance are contracts of Utmost Good Faith
tion of India, Policy no. being 991442333 with date of com-    and it is the duty of an applicant to disclose correct and
mencement of risk being 12.01.2012 for a sum assured of        complete information about material facts affecting the
Rs. 1 lakh. She expired on 26.11.2012 i.e. within 10 months    risk. Failure to comply with this duty entitles the insurer to
and 14 days from the date of commencement of risk.             deny liability because the insurer's consensus was obtained
                                                               by improper means i.e. by withholding information. In view
When her husband, Shri Ajay Patil preferred the claim to       of the above, LIC cannot be faulted for denying the policy
LIC of India for settlement of the death benefit under the     monies to the claimant Shri Ajay Patil and there is no rea-
policy, it was repudiated on the grounds of suppression of     son to intervene in the decision of repudiation by LIC.
material facts regarding her income in the proposal form.

LIC in their reply to the complainant dated 09.04.2013                     Complaint No. LI - 821(12-13)
stated that their investigations revealed that the deceased             Complainant: Smt. Pramila Shinde
life assured was not having any income of her own at the
time of the issuance of the policy. However, according to                                   V/s
the claimant it was stated in the policy document that Smt.    Respondent: Life Insurance Corporation of India
Deepa Patil had income of her own.

Investigations also established that Smt. Deepa Patil had      Mr. Daulat Shinde had taken policy no. 962851380 on
another life insurance policy with LIC which was settled.      8.11.2010 for sum assured of Rs.1,50,000/- wherein he had
According to the LIC, there was no reflection of the second    availed of monthly ECS of Rs. 612/- . The ECS debit date
policy in the policy document.                                 was 28th of every month. Premium due 05/2012 was not
                                                               debited from his account as the balance was insufficient.
It was observed from the documents submitted to the fo-
rum that policy no. 991442333 was issued to Smt. Deepa         He expired on 18.06.2012. When his wife Mrs. Pramila
Patil under Non-Medical Scheme. LIC of India during the        Shinde lodged the claim with LIC, it was rejected on the
course of their investigation into the bonafides of the claim  grounds that policy was in lapsed condition as on date of
have found that Smt. Deepa Patil was house wife and did        death. She requested LIC to reconsider her claim, but LIC
not had income of her own as disclosed by the husband and      stood by their earlier decision of rejection of claim.

                                                               The Insurance Times, February 2016 43

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