Page 47 - Insurance Times February 2016
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8. Knowledge sharing with interactive sessions.                 (i.e. tea/coffee during tea breaks and lunch for actual days
                                                                of training).
Program Focus:-
                                                                Payment Terms and Conditions:-
The program is specially designed for middle management
level executives from underwriting and claims departments       1) The payment should be received by the College of
of insurance companies, consulting engineers, brokers, loss          Insurance before the commencement of the program.
adjustors who have exposure to Engineering insurance
policies and for those interested in working in the             2) The confirmation of registration for the program will
Engineering insurance departments. The program will also             be subject to the receipt of the payment.
be useful for executives of project companies, financial
institutions and risk management consultants associated         3) We do not consider any refund request or adjustment
with large projects.                                                 of fees for the next program in case of non attendance.

Program Duration: 3 days from 15th to 17th February,            4) Fees should be paid by Demand Draft drawn in favour
                                                                     of "Insurance Institute of India" payable at Mumbai and
2016                                                                 forward it together with the "Enrolment form" available
                                                                     from College of Insurance's website or
Timing: 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m.                                     by online payment mode following the below link http:/

Enrolment:                                                      Course Coordinator

To enroll for the training program please download the          Dr George E Thomas - Tel: 022-26544271
enrolment form and after filling in the necessary details       Email -
submit your form and fees to the office of Insurance Institute
of India, Plot C-46, G-Block, Near Dhirubhai Ambani             Respond to:-
International School, Bandra-Kurla Complex, Bandra (East),
Mumbai - 400 051 by 08th February 2016.                         Mrs. J. Noronha - 022-26544208
                                                                Mrs. A B Nagpal - 022-26544246
You can also do online enrolment through College of             Ms L H Joshi - 022-26544245
Insurance's website on or before 08th            Email -
February, 2016.
                                                                Candidate must fill up a Nomination Form in a prescribed
Training Venue:-                                                manner containing fields like name, address, educational
                                                                qualification, DoB, position held, contact details, sponsoring
Insurance Institute of India (College of Insurance), G Block,   organization, details of fees paid etc. and have to affix a
Plot No. C-46, Near American Consulate, Bandra Kurla            photo.
Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051
                                                                Schedule for March 2016 Online
Course Fees:-
                                                                Examination conducted by III
Residential participants: Total amount Required -Rs.13397/
-i.e. (Rs. 11700/- plus service tax of 14.50%). The fees cover  Insurance Institute of India has notified that, Registra-
tuition, course material, A/C single room accommodation         tion & Enrollment for March 2016 Online Examination has
in the Institute's campus and full boarding (bed tea/coffee,    started from 16th January 2016. Details of the same are
breakfast, lunch, light refreshments in the evening and         given below:-
dinner). All rooms are fully furnished with attached
bathroom and Internet facility. Rooms are reserved 12.00        Details                Dates
noon onwards the day prior to the commencement of the
program. The participants can stay till 12.00 noon next day     Online Registration &  16th Jan to 30th Jan 2016
after the conclusion of the program.                            Enrollment Dates

Non-residential participants: Total amount required             Slot/Subject Booking Dates 14th Feb to 28th Feb 2016
                                                                (Book Centre, Date & Time
-Rs.9618/-i.e. (Rs.8400/- plus service tax of 14.50%).          of the Examination)

The fees cover tuition, course material and day boarding        Examination Period     10th Mar to 30th Mar 2016

                                                                         The Insurance Times, February 2016 47

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