Page 11 - Insurance Times March 2024
P. 11


                                            Go Digit IPO gets IRDAI go-        come a thing of past due to the radical
           IRDAI proposes revising                                             technology-driven changes taking place
           coverage to increase in-                                            in the industry.
                                            The insurance regulator has approved
           surance penetration              Go Digit's plan for a public share sale,  It's time we retrieve our base, firm up
                                                                               our resolve and collectively underwrite
           The Insurance Regulatory and De-  two people aware of the development
           velopment  Authority  of  India  said, after faulting the digital insurer  disruptions in the insurance sector and
                                                                               make the vision of 'insurance for all' a
           (IRDAI) has proposed raising man-  last year over a nondisclosure.
                                                                               reality by 2047. In this process, the role
           datory coverage under Rural, So-  IRDAI clears one key hurdle for the
           cial Sector and Motor Third Party  Fairfax-backed company on the road to  of the actuary becomes paramount.
           Obligations' norms in an effort to  its 1,250 crore initial public offering  The disruptions in the insurance sector
                                                                               cannot happen without the support of
           achieve the objective of "insurance  (IPO).                         actuaries, Panda said at the 23rd glo-
           for all".
                                            The company is now waiting for ap-  bal conference of actuaries organized
           In the exposure draft of Rural, So-  proval from the Securities and Exchange  by the Institute of Actuaries of India
           cial Sector and Motor Third Party  Board of India (SEBI) for the initial pub-  here.
           Obligations Regulations, 2024, the  lic  offering  (IPO),  the people  cited  "There is a need to come out of the tra-
           IRDAI said that a new strategy and  above said on condition of anonymity,  ditional and conventional roles and
           fresh approach have been devised  adding that they expect approval soon  embrace dynamism and agility and also
           to boost insurance penetration in  enough.                          there is a need to see the sector from a
           the country.
                                                                               different lens," he said, acknowledging
           The minimum number of lives to be  Underwrite disruptions to        the role of actuaries in designing the
           covered by all life insurers, in all  improve market penetra-       insurance  products  and  drive  the
           gram panchayats and India will be                                   growth of the sector.
           30 per cent in each gram panchayat  tion: IRDAI chief to insur-     With over 850 million internet users and
           subject to a minimum of 25,000   ance players                       750 million smartphone users in the
           gram panchayats as driven by the
                                            Insurance players need to underwrite  country, every click, every keyboard
           lead insurer in the first year. This  disruptions to make the vision of 'insur-  button press, swipe or tap is generat-
           increases to 40 per cent lives sub-
                                            ance for all' a reality by 2047, regulator  ing data.
           ject to a minimum 50,000 gram
                                            IRDAI's chief Debasish Panda said.
           panchayats and 50 per cent lives                                    These digital footprints are available
           subject to a minimum of 75,000   The chairman of the Insurance Regula-  and most importantly, customers do not
           gram panchayats in year 2 and 3  tory and Development Authority of In-  shy away from sharing information in
           respectively.                    dia (IRDAI) also emphasised that the  exchange of personalised experiences,
                                            approach of 'one-size-fits-all' has be-  he said.

                                                                           The Insurance Times  March 2024    11
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