Page 12 - Insurance Times March 2024
P. 12

IRDAI plans changes in           IRDAI proposes obligatory          10,000  vehicles  in  each  category,
                                                                               whichever is higher," the draft norms
           rural, social norms              life,  health  coverage  in        said.
           The Insurance Regulatory and De-  gram  panchayats across
           velopment  Authority  of  India  India                              Insurers  may  not  need
           (IRDAI) is planning to change norms  Insurance regulator IRDAI has pro- prior approval from IRDAI
           on rural, social sector and motor
                                            posed to make insurance coverage, in-
           third party obligations for the in-                                 for listing shares
                                            cluding life, health and motor, obliga-
           surers.                          tory on the part of insurance compa-  The Insurance Regulatory and Devel-
           In an Exposure Draft on IRDAI (Ru-  nies in gram panchayats across the  opment Authority of India (IRDAI) is
           ral, Social Sector and Motor Third  country in order to achieve the objec-  proposing to remove the requirement
           Party  Obligations)  Regulations,  tive of "insurance for all".     for prior approval for listing of shares of
           2024, the insurance regulator pro-  The minimum number of lives to be cov-  insurers on stock exchanges, subject to
           posed to keep gram panchayat as  ered by all life insurers in all gram  compliance of specified conditions.
           the unit for measurement of rural  panchayats in the country should be 30  In an exposure draft of IRDAI (Regis-
           sector obligations.              per cent in each gram panchayat sub-  tration, Capital Structure, Transfer of

           For life insurers, number of lives  ject  to  a minimum of 25,000 gram  Shares and Amalgamation of Indian In-
           under individual policies and under  panchayats as driven by lead insurer in  surance Companies) Regulations, 2024,
           group policies will be considered  the first year, IRDAI has proposed. This  the insurance regulator proposed ma-
                                                                               jor changes including removal of re-
           while for general insurers, number  increases to 40 per cent lives subject to  quirement of prior approval of the
           of individual dwellings under fire  a minimum 50,000 gram panchayats  IRDAI for listing of shares of insurers on
           segment and number of vehicles   and 50 per cent lives subject to a mini-
                                            mum of 75,000 gram panchayats in   stock exchanges subject to compliance
           under motor insurance segment
                                            year 2 and 3 respectively, IRDAI said in  of specified conditions and provision for
           will be counted
                                            its draft Rural, Social Sector and Motor  relaxation of lock in period in case the
           As per the proposed norms, the mini-  Third Party Obligations Regulations,  insurer or the shareholder is in financial
           mum number of lives to be covered  2024.                            distress or to facilitate amalgamation
           by  all  life  insurers  in  all  gram                              of insurers or shareholders.
                                            The same formula will be applicable in
           panchayats in the country shall be                                  The proposed regulations also intend to
           30 per cent in each gram panchayat,  the case of dwellings under fire insur-
                                            ance, motor (comprehensive and third  provide more clarity on the capital
           subject to a minimum of 25,000   party) and lives under health and per-  structure of the applicants seeking new
           gram panchayats as driven by the  sonal accident insurance.         registration and applicability of require-
           lead insurer in the first year.                                     ment of prior approval for transfer of
                                            Over 40 crore people still don't have
           This increases to 40 per cent lives,  health insurance coverage in India. On  shares.
           subject to a minimum 50,000 gram  motor third party insurance, the obli-  The regulator has invited views of vari-
           panchayats and 50 per cent lives,
                                            gations are specified for goods carrying  ous stakeholders and the general pub-
           subject to a minimum of 75,000   and passenger carrying vehicles  as  lic on the proposed changes which can
           gram panchayats in year 2 and 3  nearly 50 per cent of the vehicles in  be sent on or before 23 February 23,
           respectively.                    these 2 categories are uninsured.  2024 to the regulator, according to a
           For general Insurance, the minimum  These vehicles are important segments  circular.
           number of dwellings under fire in-  of the motor insurance business and  "As part of the comprehensive review
           surance and vehicles under Motor  widely exposed to third party claims.  of regulations being undertaken by the
           (Comprehensive and TP) to be cov-  "Every general insurer is therefore re-  IRDAI to enhance the ease of doing
           ered by all general insurers in all  quired to underwrite at least 20 per  business and also reduce compliance
           gram panchayats in the country will  cent increase over total number of  burden for stakeholders while also en-
           be  30  per  cent  in  each  gram  goods carrying and passenger carrying  suring that interests of policyholders
           panchayat, subject to a minimum of  vehicles as compared to what was cov-  continue to be protected, insurance
           25,000 gram panchayats as driven  ered in the last financial year or 20,000  councils were asked to submit their rec-
           by lead insurer in the first year.  vehicles under these  categories or  ommendations,'' the regulator said.

         12     March 2024    The Insurance Times
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