Page 19 - Insurance Times March 2024
P. 19


           Bangladesh Regulator             Insurance claim settlement         been common throughout the country
                                                                               with Nepal Police data suggesting over
           seeks support from govt          up 4% in 2023: IDRA                2,500 people dying in them annually.
           agencies  to  increase           The claim settlement rate of life and  Despite this, the Ministry of Finance
                                            non-life insurance companies in the  has shown reluctance to introduce the
           insurance coverage
                                            country increased by 4 percent year-  proposed Road Safety Bill to reduce
           The Insurance Development and    on-year  in  2023,  said  Mohammad  traffic accidents, fatalities, and serious
           Regulatory  Authority  (IDRA)  is  Jainul Bari, chairman of the Insurance  injuries, and enhance road safety.
           seeking   cooperation    from    Development     and   Regulatory
           ministries and public entities to  Authority (IDRA), Bangladesh.    Instead, the Finance Ministry has asked
           expand insurance coverage.                                          the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure
                                            Claim settlement rates have increased  and Transport to include the proposed
           In a letter sent to the Financial  as the regulator has passed a strict
           Institutions Division on 15 February  directive on insurance companies to  bill in the Public Roads Act. Along with
           2024,  the  insurance  regulator  focus on claims settlement to improve  that, the government's initiative to
           requested  an  inter-ministerial                                    pass dedicated laws on road safety and
                                            the image of the insurance sector, he  set  up  a  mechanism, including the
           meeting in this regard, reported
                                            said.                              empowered  National  Road  Safety
           the newspaper The Daily Star.
           Currently, insurance penetration  Bari made this comment at a press  Council (NRSC), to decrease accidents,
           stands  at  less  than  1%  in  the  conference organised by the IDRA at  has come to a halt.
           country which has a population of  its Motijheel office in Dhaka to inform  Keshav Kumar Sharma, secretary of the
           around 170m.                     of  celebrations  marking  National  Ministry of Physical Infrastructure and
                                            Insurance Day which is scheduled to be  Transport,  says  they  asked  for  a
           The IDRA requested government
                                            celebrated on March 1.             dedicated  road  safety  law  that
           subsidies to help those with low
           income, such as rickshaw pullers,  At present there are 35 life insurance  comprehensively   addresses
           to  pay  premiums.  Its  letter  and 46 non-life insurance companies  institutional arrangements was the
           highlighted the need for insurance  active in the country. Of them, 49 are  need of the hour. This includes ensuring
           to  cope  with  rising  healthcare  listed with the stock market.   safety in road construction, promoting
           costs and ensure compensation                                       public awareness, providing training
           for vehicle drivers involved in road  The unattended issue of       and  communication  facilities,
           crashes and for farmers and public                                  implementing rescue mechanisms, and
           infrastructure that suffered losses  road safety in Nepal           arranging rehabilitation for families
           from  natural  disasters.  The   The month of January saw major road  affected by road accidents. However,
           regulator also believes insurance  accidents  in  different  parts  of  the  the  Ministry  of Finance  believes  a
           must  be  made  mandatory  for   country,  including  Lamhi  in  Dang,  separate law is unnecessary due to
           people  working  in  high-risk   Dhorpatan in Baglung, and Chandragiri  concerns about potential increased
           environments.                    in Kathmandu. Road accidents have  financial burden.

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