Page 23 - Insurance Times March 2024
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uct level, more than 90 percent of multichannel insur-  market trends, competitive landscape help insur-
             ers provide online access to their motor and household  ers develop products which are attractive to cus-
             insurance products, but only about 40 percent do so for  tomer and profitable to insurer.
             full health coverage-and a mere 11 percent for tradi-   Fraud Detection and Prevention
             tional or unit-linked life insurance. Just one of the play-
                                                                     Data analytics can help in identifying suspicious pat-
             ers with life insurance products in its portfolio does not  terns and anomalies in claims data and help to
             require face-to-face interaction for purchasing."
                                                                     detect fraudulent activities.
             There is urgent need for increased emphasis on sale     Further predictive modelling and machine learning
             through online channels, Mobiles, websites mobile apps  algorithms help insurers to flag potentially fraudu-
             and other digital platforms.                            lent claims early, reducing financial losses.
             Even Traditional agents are being empowered with
                                                                     Customer  Segmentation  and  Enhanced  Cus-
             mobile apps and they are able to login and issue policy
                                                                     tomer Satisfaction
             through their mobile in 10-15 minutes.
                                                                     Insurers can tailor their marketing efforts, product
                                                                     offerings and distribution channels to effectively
         2. Omni channel Communication
                                                                     target specific customer segments and improving
             Customers are expecting a seamless and integrated       customer acquisition and retention.
             digital experience through multiple points of contacts,
                                                                     By leveraging analytics, insurers can personalize
             be it social media, websites, mobile apps, chatbots or
             email. As per 2019, McKinsey report, "one in two cus-   their interactions with customers, streamline pro-
                                                                     cesses, and provide more responsive and efficient
             tomers were "multi-access," choosing to engage with
             carriers via multiple channels. These findings indicate  services, thereby enhancing the overall customer
             that consumers want to not only engage with insurers
             via their preferred channel but switch between chan-
             nels  as they  shop.  In  other  words,  they want  an  4. AI for underwriting and Claims
             omnichannel experience."                            AI is revolutionising multiple domains of Insurance, Un-
                                                                 derwriting and Claims taking the lead.
             There is a lack of seamless Omnichannel service in in-
             surance market today, but then it provides the insurers
                                                                     Better Risk Assessments, STP processing are en-
             and opportunity to create disruption in this sector and
                                                                     abling Policies being priced, distributed, underwrit-
             provide top tier Cross Channel experiences.
                                                                     ten, and issued almost real time. With Introduction
         3. Data Analytics                                           of Predictive Underwriting, future risks can be pre-
             Using Predictive Data analytics and Machine Learning    dicted based on current data, leading to better
             (ML) tools, Insurers can identify likelihood of future out-  pricing. AI also helps in eliminating human error.
             comes with historical data. This would help in better   Claims
             client retention, cross selling and fraud detection and  Though STP claims are still a far-fetched goal in Life
             thus leading to increased revenue to the Carriers.      Insurance, AI is being used to detect fraudulent

             Data analytics can be broadly categorised in the fol-   claims and partial automation of claims process flow.
             lowing categories-
                 Risk Assessment and Underwriting-
                 Analysis of wide range of factors such as demo-
                 graphic data, medical history, lifestyle habits, and
                 occupation help Life Insurance companies to assess
                 risk more accurately.

                 Also advanced analytics techniques enable insurers
                 to price policies more effectively and mitigate ad-
                 verse selection by predicting Mortality and morbid-
                 ity risks.

                 Product Development and Pricing
                 Optimal pricing strategies if based on risk profiles,

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