Page 39 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 39

the treatment is taken, but still, the minimum price for  The prevalence of CHE for hospitalization was highest
          cancer treatment in India starts from Rs. 90,000. The  amongst those who are not covered by any health
          average cost of cancer treatment in India is Rs. 5,00,000  insurance scheme at 34.4% and was lowest for those
          and the maximum charge for cancer treatment in India is  covered by Ayushman Bharat at 16.01%.
          up to Rs. 27,50,000. This cost is recurring as the duration of
          treatment may extend to several years as many cancers  Need for a separate Cancer Insurance

          Oncology medicines forming a major component of the  Outpatient  treatment  which  is  the  major  cause  of
          treatment cost are quite expensive. Newer drugs due to  catastrophic health expenditure and impoverishment in the
          ongoing research in advanced cancer treatment are priced  case of cancer treatment may not be fully covered in a
          very high and are out of reach of many patients. The global  hospitalization indemnity product, which is the major health
          oncology drug market was valued at USD 184.95 billion and  insurance product sold in the Indian market. Thus even if a
          is projected to grow from USD 484.32 billion in 2023 to USD  person  is  covered  under  health  insurance,  a  large
          484.32 billion by 2030.                             component  of  the cost has to be met out  of pocket,
                                                              necessitating the need for a separate cancer insurance
          Direct OOPE (Out of pocket expense) on              policy.

          cancer treatment                                    Cancer treatment requires the patients to undergo many
          A study on "Financial toxicity due to Cancer Treatment"  different treatment modalities like surgery, chemotherapy,
          published in July 2023 funded by the Department of Health  radiotherapy, targeted therapy, immunotherapy, etc. which
          Research,  Ministry  of  Health  and  Family  Welfare,  financially drain them out. It is not only the medical cost of
          Government of India reveals some striking facts about  treatment but the life of caregivers i.e. the entire family is
          cancer treatment.                                   impacted. It may involve loss of income of the patient and
             Per visit mean OOPE on outpatient cancer treatment  caregivers, traveling and boarding expenses of patient and
             was computed as Rs. 8,053. Taking into account the  family, increased cost of nutrition, etc which exacerbates
             average number of visits per month for outpatient  the situation and acts as a barrier to access treatment.
             treatment as 2.76, the mean monthly direct OOPE  Moreover, there is a surge in the cost of complex cancer
             incurred on outpatient treatment was estimated as Rs.  surgeries/treatments every year.
                                                              As per the economic survey 2022-23, the central and state
             The  major  contributors  of  OOPE  for  outpatient
                                                              governments’ budgeted expenditure on healthcare was 2.1
             treatment were diagnostic - 36.4% and medicines -
                                                              % of GDP in FY23 and 2.2% in FY22, against 1.6% in FY21.
                                                              Besides this, only 37 % (52.04 Crores) of India’s population
             The estimated OOPE per episode of hospitalization was  is covered under any sort of health insurance, which includes
             Rs. 39,085. The total annual direct OOPE on cancer  all forms of private, employer-based, and government-
             treatment was estimated at Rs. 331,177.          sponsored health insurance schemes.
             In the case of hospitalized treatment, medicines were
             the major component at 45% followed by diagnostics
             at 16.4%, and procedure/surgery formed only 12.1% of
             the major contributors to OOPE.

             The economic impact of cancer care on household
             financial risk protection using standard indicators of
             catastrophic  health  expenditures  (CHE)  and
             impoverishment indicated that the overall prevalence
             of CHE and impoverishment for outpatient treatment
             was 80.4%  and 67% respectively  as compared to
             hospitalization treatment (it was 29.8% and 17.2%
             respectively). Thus, it is not the hospitalization cost that
             is creating financial strain but the outpatient cost of
             cancer treatment.

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