Page 41 - Insurance Times February 2024
P. 41

Critical illness products are available                Hormonal Therapy or Endocrine manipulation
             On fixed benefit basis or on Indemnity basis as :   Stem cell transplantation
             o   Standalone products
                                                              In fixed benefit type of policy, these plans
             o   Riders to life and non-life policies
                                                              provide coverage throughout the period of
             o   Component  of  a  packaged  health  insurance
                 product.                                     illness by
                                                                 Lumpsum payout on diagnoses of the disease ranging
          Cancer Insurance Policy-A disease-specific variant such as a  from 25% to 100% of the sum assured depending upon
          Cancer Insurance Policy protects from only the dread of  the stage at which it is diagnosed.
          cancer and not from other critical illnesses. It is priced at a
                                                                 Payouts at different stages of treatment.
          much lower rate for a high amount of coverage.
                                                                 Regular  income  to  the  insured  during  the  post-
          Standalone Cancer Insurance Policy offer coverage as high  operative  care  phase  or  post-chemotherapy/
          as Rs. 1 to Rs. 3 crore with an initial waiting period of 2 to  radiotherapy  phase to take  care of  the recurring
          3 years for the risk to commence. These plans are available  expenses.
          on an indemnification and fixed-benefit basis.
                                                              Waiting period - These plans come with an initial waiting
          These plans are also offered as Rider along with the base  period ranging from 2 to 3 years. It means that the risk will
          plan in a life insurance policy or along with a base health  not commence immediately after taking the policy but after
          insurance policy.                                   2 or 3 years as mentioned in the contract.

          In an indemnity type of policy, these plans         Survival for 7 or 15 days - In fixed benefit plans the benefit
          usually cover the following:                        is provided if the insured survives a few days after the
             Conventional treatment :                         diagnosis of the disease.
             o   Chemotherapy
                                                              Premium waiver benefit-  On diagnosis of the disease
             o   Radiotherapy
                                                              some plans provide a waiver of future premiums under the
             Expenses incurred before hospitalization         policy.
             Expenses incurred after hospitalisation
             Treatment and/or services rendered anywhere in India  Pre-existing cancers are excluded - These plans both
                                                              indemnity based or fixed benefit based, do not provide
             All  hospitalization/daycare  treatment/outpatient
                                                              coverage once a cancer is diagnosed. An insurer can even
                                                              impose exclusion for cancer treatment in hospitalization
             Post-treatment follow-up
                                                              indemnity products if it is pre-existing.
             Medical expenses for organ transplant necessitated due
             to cancer                                        It is of utmost importance that one should go for these
             Reconstruction of affected body part post-surgery  insurances while one is young and has started earning. Once
             Ambulance charges per hospitalisation            a person is diagnosed with a disease the coverage may be
          Some plans in the Indian market also provide
          optional cover for the following at an additional   Conclusion:
          cost :                                              A Cancer/specified-disease  insurance  policy provides
                                                              comprehensive cover and helps to meet the costs related
             Second opinion for surgery
                                                              to out-of-pocket medical expenses, experimental cancer
             Rehabilitation and pain management               treatments, out-of-network specialist consultations, child
             Hospice care                                     care, travel and lodging related to treatment, and other
                                                              living  expenses.  In  addition  to  this,  in  order  to  seek
             Proton beam therapy
                                                              treatment at world-leading medical centers coverage for
             Immunotherapy                                    medical second opinion is also provided under these plans.
             Personalised & Targeted therapy                  Although Insurers cannot control the incidence of high

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