Page 13 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 13


          Overall, the regulator has dues worth  tional amendment carried out to pro-  making a huge money in the manipu-
          Rs 96,609 crore that needs to be re-  vide  legal  sanction  to  the  Modi  lation. Front-running, which is illegal in
          covered from entities, including those  government's decision  to  carve out  India,  involves  purchasing  a  stock
          that failed to pay the fine imposed on  10% reservation for the economically  based on advance exclusive informa-
          them, failed to pay fees due to mar-  weaker  sections  from  unreserved  tion regarding an expected large trans-
          kets watchdog and did not comply with  classes for admission in  educational  action that will  affect  its price. Sebi
          its  direction  to  refund  investors'  institutions and government jobs and  has  categorised  front-running  as  a
          money, according to Sebi's annual re-  held that the 50% cap on quota is not  form of market manipulation and in-
          port for 2021-22.                 inviolable and affirmative action on  sider trading, and penalised several
                                            economic basis may go a long way in  fund houses and fund managers in the
          Out of Rs 96,609 crore, the regulator
                                            eradicating caste-based reservation.  past over this activity.
          said Rs 63,206 crore, which is 65 per
          cent of the total, pertains to collective  A five-judge bench of Chief Justice UU
          investment scheme and deemed pub-  Lalit and Justices Dinesh Maheshwari, Two-thirds of India tech
          lic issues of PACL Ltd and Sahara India  S Ravindra Bhat, Bela M Trivedi and J
                                                                               firms hiring gig workers
          Commercial Corporation Ltd.       B Pardiwala approved the amendment
                                                                               Two-thirds of organisations in the In-
                                            by majority (3:2), which would push the
          Also, Rs 68,109 crore, amounting to 70                               dian technology sector are hiring gig
                                            total reservation to 59.50% in central
          per cent of the total dues, is subject to                            workers as they respond to a changing
          parallel proceedings  before  various                                business landscape, said a report by
          courts and courtappointed commit-                                    industry organisation NASSCOM  and
                                            Sebi brings mutual fund
          tees. In these cases, Sebi's recovery                                others.
          proceedings are subject to directions of managers, directors under
                                                                               Focus on requirement for specialised
          respective courts or committees.
                                            insider trading rules              skills, employee demand and cost op-
                                                                               timization enabled organisations to use
                                            With several cases of insider trading in
          Massive jump in cash with                                            the gig model for technology roles tra-
                                            mutual funds coming to light recently,
                                                                               ditionally restricted to HR and support
          public                            the Securities and Exchange Board of
                                                                               functions. Software development, UI/
                                            India (SEBI) has finally brought fund
          Currency with the public has jumped to
                                                                               UX design, and data analytics were the
                                            managers, directors of fund houses,
          a new high of Rs 30.88 lakh crore, il-
                                                                               top three gig skills the technology sec-
                                            trustees and other connected entities
          lustrating that cash usage is still robust
                                            under  the  ambit of insider  trading  tor needed.
          even six years after the demonetisation
                                            rules.                             The National Association of Software
                                                                               and Services Companies (NASSCOM), in
                                            Listing detailed guidelines in the ga-
          At Rs 30.88 lakh crore,  the currency                                partnership  with  employment
                                            zette, the regulator said connected
          with the public is 71.84 per cent higher                             websites Indeed and AON, surveyed 70
                                            entities will include board of directors
          than the level for the fortnight ended                               organisations in India. Nearly two-third
                                            and  key  management personnel  of
          November 4, 2016. On November 8,                                     or  65  per cent  of  the  organisations
                                            sponsor of the mutual fund, directors
          2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi                                   employed gig workers as of 2022. The
                                            or employees of registrar and share
          had announced the decision to with-                                  number was 57 per cent two years ago.
                                            transfer agents and custodians or valu-
          draw Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 denomina-
                                            ation agencies of the mutual fund who
          tion notes with the ultimate aim of
                                            have  access  or  are  reasonably  ex-  T+1 settlement from Jan
          reducing corruption and black money
                                            pected to have access to unpublished  2023
          in the economy.
                                            price sensitive information relating to
                                                                               To bring in operational efficiency and
                                            a mutual fund scheme or its units in  ease  for  market  participants,  stock
          SC upholds 10% quota for          the course of business operations.
                                                                               exchanges have decided that all stocks
          poor in 3-2 verdict               The Sebi board had earlier cleared the  on  which  derivatives  contracts  are
          The Supreme Court, by a 3:2 verdict,  proposal. Fund managers of some fund  available will be transitioned to  T+1
          upheld validity of the 103rd constitu-  houses had indulged in front running,  settlement in a single batch from Janu-
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