Page 14 - Banking Finance December 2022
P. 14


          ary  2023  instead  of  two  separate  the commitment to ensure a true and  losses  in  trading, executed  among
          batches, according  to  a joint state-  fair picture of whatever is presented in  themselves and even reversed some of
          ment from the exchanges.          the markets," Buch said, while speak-  them.  In 2018,  Madhabi Puri  Buch,
                                            ing at  an event organised by Indian
          As per the earlier schedule, stocks on                               SEBI's then whole-time member fol-
                                            Audit and  Accounts Department  in
          which futures and options (derivatives)                              lowed  it  up  and  promised  action
          are available are to be transitioned to                              against entities for sham transactions.
          T+1 settlement in two batches - De-  She  said  there  are  more  than  20
                                                                               Analysis showed the entities generated
          cember 2022 and January 2023.  Ac-  websites in the country which auditors
                                                                               over 70 per cent of their volumes in
          cordingly, exchanges  will revise  the  can use to validate the claim of the
                                                                               illiquid options in a year. Agarwal had
          original schedule for transition of stocks  auditee. "While technology  is being
                                                                               investigated entities with  over Rs. 5
          to T+1 settlement and issue the circu-
                                            used as a tool by fraudsters, we can
                                                                               crore in loss or profit, responsible for
          lar informing the list of stocks to be
                                            use  the  same  technology  to  evade
                                                                               the non-genuine trades. In the same
          transitioned  in December 2022 and
                                            fraud. Auditors can use tools like GSTN  matter, in 2018, Buch further identi-
          January 2023, the statement said.
                                            portal,  bank  websites  etc…,"  Buch
                                                                               fied 14,720 entities. As many as 81.41
                                            said.  If there  is transparency,  then  per cent of the trades executed in the
          Independence of CAs cru-
                                            market  forces  themselves  act in an
                                                                               segment were constituted to fall in the
          cial  for  financial  state-      efficient way and ensure there is no  purview of unfair trades and the pro-
                                            wrong-doing in the market, she added.
          ments: FM                                                            ceedings and entities were imposed
                                                                               with penalties.
          Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman
          said the independence of chartered Brokers to challenge SEBI's
          accountants is very crucial for the trust                            Sebi issues framework on
                                            amnesty scheme
          and integrity of a company's financial
                                                                               tech glitches
                                            Several stock brokers are planning to
                                            challenge the Amnesty Scheme 02 of  The Securities Exchange Board of India
          "The independence of chartered ac-
                                            market regulator SEBI. The  scheme,  (Sebi) issued a framework to deal with
          countants is extremely important and
                                            which closes on  November 21, was  technical glitches occurring in the trad-
          significant for the trust and integrity of
                                            made available by SEBI in August as a  ing systems of stock brokers.
          financial statements. Therefore, their
                                            one-time settlement opportunity to
          responsibility is not limited just to the                            The  market regulator  said as  rapid
                                            nearly 15,000 entities accused of the
          shareholders since statutory filings and                             technological developments have in-
                                            same offence, which is unfair trading
          audit reports are public documents and                               creased the ease of electronic trading
                                            in illiquid stock options on the BSE.
          they are relied on by various stakehold-                             in securities markets, technology re-
          ers, including financial institutions, gov-  Brokers told that the scheme lacks le-  lated interruptions and glitches and
          ernment  and  common  retail  inves-
                                            gal sanctity since it defies the principles  their impact on the investors' opportu-
          tors," Sitharaman said, while address-
                                            of natural justice by excluding them  nity  to trade  have  become a major
          ing the World Congress of Accountants.
                                            from the amnesty being extended to  technology related risk.
                                            their clients. Moreover, the scheme is  Under the new framework, which will
          Technology driven third-
                                            only  limited  to one exchange,  BSE,
                                                                               come into effect from April 1, 2023,
          party validation needed:          while it leaves out other exchanges and
                                                                               stock brokers will have to inform about
                                            their clients and brokers.
          Sebi chief                                                           any malfunction in their system or the
          Securities and Exchange Board of India  A major racket was busted by SEBI in  one outsourced from any third parties,
          (Sebi) Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch  2015 when its former member Rajeev  leading to stoppage, slow down of op-
          pitched for technology driven third-  Kumar  Agarwal  passed  an  order  erations for five minutes or more, to
          party validation in the process of au-  against 59 entities for trading in illiq-  the stock exchanges within one 1 hour
          diting to evade frauds. "Sebi's thrust  uid options of stocks on the BSE. Then,  from the time of occurrence of the
          on third party validation is driven by  certain  entities  consistently  made  glitch.
            14 | 2022 | DECEMBER                                                           | BANKING FINANCE
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