Page 21 - Engineering Insurance IC 77 Ebook
P. 21

Sashi Publications
                     flaws, fractures, bulging deformation unless it  of dismantling, re-erection, freight, duty, taxes,
                     results in explosion or collapse.             insurance etc. to the extent included in sum
                 6.  Failure of Individual tubes unless such defects
                     result in explosion or collapse.          2.  Total Loss Basis
                                                                   If the damaged Boiler/Pressure Vessels cannot
                 7.  Loss or damage arising out of hydraulic tests
                                                                   be repaired and is completely destroyed then
                     or  any  other  test  specified  by  statutory
                                                                   the company will pay actual value of the Boiler/
                     inspecting authority.
                                                                   Pressure Vessel insured immediately before
                 8.  Loss due to chemical explosion other then fuel
                                                                   occurrence  of  accidental  expenses  to  the
                     gas explosion.
                                                                   extent they are included in the sum insured.
                 9.  Wilful act or gross negligence.               If repair charges are more than actual value of
                                                                   Boiler Pressure Vessel before occurrence of
                 10. Explosion/Collapse due to faults existing at the
                                                                   loss then claim will be settled subject to total
                     time of commencing the insurance, known to
                                                                   loss basis.
                     the insured or his responsible representatives.
                 11. Any  consequential  loss  resulting  from
                                                               EXTENSION OF COVER
                                                               1.  Owners Surrounding Property,        25%
                 12. Loss  due  to  manufacturer’s  /  repairers   of Basis Rate
                                                               2.  Third Party Liability               25%
                 13 Contractual liability of any kind.             of Basic Rate
                 SUM INSURED
                 The sum insured of each item of Boiler/Pressure  GENERAL  NOTE  FOR  ALL  ENGG.
                 Vessel must be its present day replacement value  DEPT. :
                 of similar new boiler including therein all incidental  The terrorism extra (which is optional cover) rate to
                 expenses  like  duties,  taxes,  excise,  freight,  be charged for all Engg. Dept.
                 insurance, handling etc. If the sum insured is not
                 as defined above then in the event of claim condition  Deterioration of stocks in cold
                 of average is applied for the settlement of the claim.
                                                                storage (DOS) or Refrigeration plant
                 PERIOD OF INSURANCE                                          policy (RFP)
                 Boiler Explosion Policy is usually issued for a period
                                                               Subject  :  Stock  of  Potato,  sea  food,  fruit,
                 of 12 months (Premium rate is usually annual). If
                                                               vegetables,  medicines
                 anyone desires  shorter period  than  12  months
                 special premium rates are  charged, called short  Insured Party:
                 period rates which are usually some percentage of  a) Owner
                 annual premium rate.                          b) User of cold storage

                                                               c) Financial  institutes
                 1.  Partial  Loss  Basis  (damaged  machine   Sum Insured:
                     repairable)                               Value  of  stocks  obtained  by  multiplying  the  full
                     If the damaged Boiler/Pressure Vessels can  storage capacity of chambers by average price of
                     repaired then expenses incurred for repairs/  items  including storage  charges or  the S.I.  shall
                     replacement of spare parts without deducting  be calculated on the value of maximum stock stored
                     depreciation plus incidental expenses like cost  on  any  1  day  during  the  policy  period.  Agreed

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