Page 22 - Engineering Insurance IC 77 Ebook
P. 22

The Insurance Times
                 price shall include storasge charges for the whole  of plant/part for less than 24 hours due to an
                 season.                                           accident following FOES.
                 Scope of cover:                               5) Damage  due  to  inherent  defect  /  natural
                 Loss or damage to the stock only as a result of   deterioration.
                 rise in temperature in the cold storage chambers  6) Damage  due  to  improper  storage,  packing
                 due to accidental failure of electric supply at the  material insufficient air circulation, non-uniformity
                 terminal ends of the electricity service feeders at  of temperature and collapse of rack.
                 the  said  premises  directly  due  to  sudden  and
                                                               7) Any loss / each failure up to 8 hours
                 unforeseen damage to property at a power station,
                 receiving station, sub-station or other parts of the  8) Drought & or fuel storage / shortage of water
                 electricity  distribution  system  of  public  electricity  due to climatic condition.
                 occasioned  by  or  happening  through  or  in  9) Deliberate  act  of  the  supply  undertaking  for
                 consequence directly or indirectly subject to valid  whatever reason subject to terms / condition /
                 licence of the insured, maintenance of rock book,  exception  of  this  policy.
                 purchase, logbook, temperature record etc.
                                                               Excess :
                                                               a) 20% of the amount of loss subject to minimum
                 1) Fire,  Riot  &  Strike,  Terrorism  &  allied  perils
                                                                   of Rs.10,000/- for cold storage who have opted
                    including natural calamities.
                                                                   for FOES extension.
                 2) Wear & Tear & Over loading.
                                                               b) 10% of the amount of loss subject to minimum
                 3) Consequential loss                             of Rs.10,000/- for cold storage who have not
                                                                   opted for FOES extension.
                 4) Damage  due  to  rise  in  temperature  (fall  in
                    temperature below 40 F) caused by stoppage  _________________________________

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