Page 42 - Insurance Times November 2020
P. 42


                     PRODUCT COMPARISON


         I     n recent months, the Insurance Regulatory and  increase in the premiums of health plans. But this is a good

               Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has come up
                                                              move as it will provide greater confidence to customers at
                                                              the time of purchasing a plan,” says Naval Goel, chief
               with several regulatory changes aimed at simplifying
               health insurance and making it more customer-friendly.
         Many of these changes came into force from the beginning  executive officer (CEO),
         of this month. Let us try to understand how these changes  The guidelines also require customers to make full disclosure.
         will impact you, the policyholder.                   Says Amit Chhabra, head-health business, Policybazaar: “If
                                                              policyholders misrepresent facts or fail to disclose material
         Standardisation of policy wordings:                  facts while buying a health insurance policy, they will forfeit
                                                              the premium paid. Insurers will also have the right to render
         Starting from October 1, several important clauses in health
                                                              the policy void.”
         insurance policies will be standardised. Insurers have been
         asked to incorporate the same policy wordings, prescribed by
                                                              If an individual owns multiple policies, he will have the right
         the regulator, across all products. According to S. Prakash,
         managing director (MD), Star Health and Allied Insurance,  to settle his claim from any of them. In such cases, the insurer
         “Standardisation                                                                       will be obliged to
         will address and What is Proportionate Deduction?                                      settle the
         improve factors like    May policies have a sub-limit on room rent, generally 1% of sum insured
         claim rejections,                                                                      claim as long as it is
         turn-around-time     A person       If, say, he    What is crucial is that   The regulator  within the limits of
         (TAT) for approval,  having a sum  decides to  not just the room rent, has now said    the policy and
                            insured of Rs. 5 stay in a  the insurer will deduct  that several   meets its terms
         issues related to
         waiting time for   lakh can live in  room of Rs.  a number of other  expenses can't    and conditions. The
         preexisting diseases  a room having  7,000, the  'associated medical  be included      regulator has also
         (PED), and so on.”  a per day rental insurer will  expenses'         under 'associated  demanded greater
                            of up to Rs.   not reimburse proportionately from  medical          clarity    from
         Hospitals also stand  5,000       him fully    amount reimbursed     expenses'         insurers.   Says
         to benefit. Says     This will reduce the amount that the insured has to pay in such cases  Chhabra: “Terms
         Prakash: “Insurers                                                                     and conditions
         will adopt a uniform approach, which will enable hospitals to                          related to claim
         offer better services. This synergy will ultimately benefit  settlement, cancellation of policy, porting to another insurer,
         customers.”                                          renewal, and redressal of grievances must be clearly
                                                              mentioned in the policy document.”

         Since policies will be similar on several parameters, customers
         will find it easier to understand them. Product comparison Telemedicine to be covered:
         will also become easier. “These guidelines may lead to a slight  Many people need to consult their doctor regularly. Keeping

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