Page 39 - Insurance Times April 2024
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attachment was impermissible because, prior to the grant  to  oral  evidence  are  a  rarity  in  South  African  arrest
          of the order, or at least prior to the vessel being attached  applications and it is significant that in the first round of the
          pursuant to that order, the owner had submitted to the  hearing the judge found that Kumba's version "could not be
          court’s jurisdiction and such submission precluded an  described as fanciful or untenable and in fact had persuasive
          attachment. It advanced this second contention on three  value".
             First it said that there had been an express submission  As often happens with bunker arrests, the case turned on
             in a letter of undertaking (‘LOU’) relating to potential  whether Kumba could prove that Prima owned the bunkers
             pollution and wreck claims drafted and agreed between  on the strength of the underlying charter arrangements
             the owner’s P & I club, Transnet, the South African  among the parties in the contractual chain. If not, the arrest
             Maritime Safety Association and the Department of  would fall to be set aside. Prima was described in the sub-
             Environmental Affairs, but never implemented because  charterparty as the disponent owner and, taking this to
             the need for it fell away.                       mean that Prima had the ship on demise or time charter,
             Second it relied on its having entered appearance to  Kumba arrested her bunkers in Saldanha Bay on the grounds
                                                              that ownership vested in Prima. The crux of Prima's defence
             defend the in rem actions and the procedural steps it
                                                              was that it had on the contrary, chartered the ship on a
             had taken pursuant thereto.
                                                              voyage basis and that the bunkers had been stemmed by
             Third it contended that, while the sheriff served the  the managers (Polembros) on behalf of Pompey Shipping.
             attachment order, he did not attach the vessel, and
             there  was  a  clear  submission  to  the  jurisdiction  The judge observed that the categorisation of the type of
             immediately the owner learned of the existence of the  charter party between Prima and Pompey was critical to
             order.                                           Kumba's case, since the ownership of the bunkers would
                                                              generally follow from that categorisation. Against this
          The judgment of the Honourable Mr Justice Wallis was  background, both parties produced oral evidence before
          handed down in the matter of Transnet Ltd versus The  Judge Gamble. In Prima's case, the judge took a dim view
          Owner of the Alina II on 15 September 2011. On September  of testimony given on its behalf by Polembros' in-house
          2011, the Supreme Court of Appeal in South Africa delivered  counsel and its operations manager. While the witnesses
          a judgment in the case of Transnet Ltd v The Owner of the  sought to justify the unusual voyage charter arrangements
          MV Alina II. This case raised an important question of  on the grounds that they had been concluded on a back-to-
          admiralty law and practice. The Supreme Court of Appeal  back basis for tax purposes, it became apparent during cross-
          held that the attachment of the vessel to found and confirm  examination that the document presented to the court as
          jurisdiction in separate proceedings against the owner was  evidence of the Pompey/Prima charter had been created
          permissible. The owner’s defense in the in rem action  and signed in Polembros' offices only after Kumba's lawyers
          unequivocally indicated its willingness to submit to the South  had asked for proof of its existence.
          African court’s judgment on the issues raised by Transnet.
          The appeal was dismissed, and the attachment of the vessel  It was conceded in oral testimony that there had never been
          was upheld.                                         a contemporaneous written fixture, and that the document
                                                              tendered on the affidavit had in fact been backdated and
          The vessel's charterer, Prima Shipping Company Limited,  was simply a 'cut and paste' from the Kumba charter.
          brought an application in the Western Cape High Court to  Highlighting  the  stark  contrast  between  allegations
          set aside an arrest of bunkers aboard the vessel in South  advanced on paper and oral evidence given in court, the
          Africa as security for contemplated London arbitration  judge stated:
          proceedings by Kumba Shipping Hong Kong Limited, a
          subsidiary of Anglo-American plc (one of the world's largest  "I  consider Mr. Gare's evidence [in-house  counsel for
          mining companies). Applications of this nature are usually  Polembros], firstly, in light of his demeanour in the witness
          decided on the basis of affidavits filed by both parties,  box. I found him to be a smug witness who was most
          followed by argument. It is noteworthy in that the initial  economical in the use of language. My overall impression
          hearing on the papers led to a referral of the matter to oral  was that, as a seasoned maritime lawyer, he was pointedly
          evidence in order to determine whether there was sufficient  cautious with his answers, so much so that I have to agree
          evidence to demonstrate that the arrestor was entitled, on  with Mr. Gordon SC's complaint in argument that Mr. Gare
          a balance of probabilities, to maintain the arrest. Referrals  was singularly lacking in candour.”

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