Page 40 - Insurance Times April 2024
P. 40

vessel out to Kumba, was critical to
                                                                                determining the ownership of the
                                                                                bunkers. Charterers  under  a  time
                                                                                charter normally are obliged to supply
                                                                                and  therefore  usually  own  the
                                                                                bunkers, whereas charterers under a
                                                                                voyage charter do not (bunkers being
                                                                                owned by the "owner" under their
                                                                                charter party.)

                                                                                As to the veracity of there ever being
                                                                                an oral agreement, as alleged by the
                                                                                Prima witness, the court found:

                                                                                To  suggest  that  a  contract  as
         "The Pompey/Prima charterparty, as a document that was  important as a charter party (the very life blood of such an
         sent out into the world as evidence of a written agreement  enterprise) is concluded orally and is only reduced to writing
         having been concluded and signed on 21 September 2009  when called for by lawyers in a distant jurisdiction, was a
         [after the arrest] is nothing but a fraud. It is a fraud into  fraud in itself.
         which Prima's local attorneys, no doubt unwittingly, were
         inveigled when they were instructed by Mr. Gare to put up  Thus, we understand that a charterparty agreement serves
         the document as a genuine instrument in the founding  as the foundation for a successful shipping venture. It
         affidavit in the set aside application."             outlines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of the
                                                              shipowner and the charterer. A poorly drafted charterparty
         On the probabilities, the judge rejected Prima's version of  agreement can lead to ambiguities, misunderstandings, and
         events and upheld the arrest.                        expensive disputes. Hence, it’s crucial to invest time and
                                                              effort into drafting a clear and comprehensive document.
         The Alina II judgment handed down by the Western Cape  A well-drafted charterparty agreement is a vital ingredient
         High Court under case number AC47/2010 in January 2013 is  for successful shipping operations.
         important as it highlights the robust approach taken by our
         courts with regard to evidence of ownership when it comes  By understanding the importance of clarity, including
         to arrests.                                          essential clauses, and following best practices, one can
                                                              minimize potential disputes and protect the interests of all
         Notably, the judgment extensively explored the conclusions  parties involved. One should always seek professional legal
         that can be drawn from a charterer describing itself as  advice when necessary to ensure compliance with applicable
         disponent owner. Kumba Shipping Kong Hong ("Kumba")  laws, regulations, and industry standards. In summary,
         arrested the bunkers of Prima Shipping Company Limited  charter parties play a vital role in international trade,
         ("Prima") on board the Alina II for security for a London  shaping our interconnected global economy. They establish
         arbitration. In Prima's application to set aside the arrest, it  responsibilities, protect interests, and enable the seamless
         was alleged that Prima had voyage chartered the vessel and  movement of cargo by sea.
         the bunkers were accordingly owned by Pompey Shipping
         ("Pompey"). The judge, Gamble J, at the outset, noted that  *I  am  thankful  to  Dr.S.Mukherjee,  an  Expert  and
         the Prima/Kumba charter party did not contain an express  International Investigator for Maritime Fraud for his advice
         term that Prima was liable to pay for the bunkers on board
         the vessel, furthermore, that the type of charter party
         (voyage/time/bareboat) was not apparent ex facie the  Dr.Soumi Mukherjee completed her Graduation in Mass
         document and, lastly, that Prima was described therein as  Media and Masters in Mass Media from University of
         "disponent owner".                                    Mumbai, later completed her Ph.d. She is interested in
                                                               Investigative Journalism related with History, Geography,
                                                               Zoology etc. She is currently serving in Media Officer
         The type of charter party under which Prima had chartered
         in the vessel from Pompey, prior to then chartering the  with International Police Organization.

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