Page 39 - The Insurance Times September 2024
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damaged," says Phil Richardson, a physical oceanographer  chronometer. By the captain's calculations, he should have
         at  the  Woods  Hole  Oceanographic  Institution  in  sighted land three days earlier than he did. Solly-Flood's
         Massachusetts and an expert in derelict vessels, whom  notes  yielded  one  other  piece  of  information  that
         MacGregor enlisted in her investigation. "The discovery  MacGregor and Richardson consider significant: the day
         crew sailed it, so it was in really good shape." Richardson  before he reached the Azores, Briggs changed course and
         said he would need water temperatures, wind speeds and  headed north of Santa Maria Island, perhaps seeking haven.
         wind directions at the time, data that MacGregor found in
         the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data  The night before the last entry in the ship's log, the Mary
         Set  (ICOADS),  a  database  that stores  global  marine  Celeste again faced rough seas and winds of more than 35
         information from 1784 to 2007 and is used to study climate  knots. Still, MacGregor reasons, rough seas and a faulty
         change. She, her yachtsman husband, Scott, and Richardson  chronometer  wouldn't,  by  themselves,  prompt  an
         drew on the data to determine whether the Mary Celeste  experienced captain to abandon ship. Was there something
         could have drifted from its recorded location on November  else? MacGregor learned that on its previous voyage, the
         25 to where the Dei Gratia crew reported finding it on  Mary Celeste had carried coal and that the ship had recently
         December 5. Their conclusion was that it could have sailed  been extensively refitted. Coal dust and construction debris
         all by itself, even without a crew to sail it.       could have fouled the ship's pumps, which would explain the
                                                              disassembled pump found on the Mary Celeste. With the
         At that point, MacGregor considered the fact that a captain  pump inoperative, Briggs would not have known how much
         would most likely order a ship abandoned within sight of  seawater was in his ship's hull, which was too fully packed
         land. Since Santa Maria was the last land for hundreds of  for him to measure visually.
         miles, it seemed safe to assume that the Mary Celeste had
         been abandoned the morning of November 25, after the last  So, McGregor deduced her findings that Briggs had faced
         log entry was written. MacGregor also figured that if she  enough rough weather, belatedly sighted land and confused
         could determine the precise spot from which Briggs, his  in determining whether his ship would sink.might have issued
         family and crew abandoned ship, she might be able to shed  an order to abandon ship. In this case, their destination was
         light on why a perfectly fit vessel was abandoned.   Santa Maria Island. Their lifeboat may have then tipped
                                                              over, causing all ten of them to drown. MacGregorfs theory
         She knew from the transcriptions of the Mary Celeste's log  is by no means universally accepted or even provable, but it
         slate, that the ship was six miles from and within sight of,  at least lines up with the evidence (the disassembled pump,
         the Azores Island of Santa Maria on November 25. She knew  for example) in a way that other theories do not.
         from the testimony of the Dei Gratia crew that ten days
         later; the ship was some 400 miles east of the island.  But, like Attorney General Solly-Flood, MacGregor can't
         MacGregor asked Richardson "to work backward and create  leave the story of the Mary Celeste alone; she is continuing
         a path between these two points."                    her investigation for a book. "The research goes on," she
                                                              says. "Because I have been touched by the story, as I hope
         During this point, MacGregor says, Attorney General Solly-  other people will be."
         Flood's notes are crucial. He wrote that he saw nothing
         unusual about the voyage until the last five days, which is  After the investigation in Gibraltar and the subsequent
         why he transcribed the ship's log starting five days from the  salvage hearing, the Mary Celeste resumed her life on the
         end. The ship's log is believed to have been lost in 1885, so  seas, albeit under different ownership and with a cloud of
         those transcriptions provided the only means for MacGregor  mystery forever attached to her name. Over the next 13
         and Richardson to plot the course and positions logged for  years, the ship would change hands multiple times, with
         the ship. The two then reconsidered those positions in light  each owner facing a series of misfortunes, further fuelling
         of ICOADS data and other information on sea conditions at  the belief that the ship was cursed. In 1874, the ship was
         the time.                                            acquired by a partnership that included Captain George
         They concluded that Briggs was actually 120 miles west of
         where he thought he was, probably because of an inaccurate  Under his command, the Mary Celeste sailed primarily in the

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