Page 18 - Insurance Times May 2024
P. 18


         Aon  completes  transac-           Aon's existing broking and advisory  Life Guide, the world's number one Life
                                            capabilities across the commercial risk,  & Health underwriting manual, helps
         tion to acquire Global In-         health, and reinsurance markets. Com-  clients understand current and future
         surance Brokers in India           bined with the company's team of over  risks, so they can make informed deci-
         Leading global reinsurance broker Aon  1,100 colleagues across India, it will  sions, and build strong, sustainable
         plc announced that it has successfully  aid in accelerating its strategy.  portfolios.
         completed the transaction to acquire
         Global Insurance Brokers (GIB) and will Swiss Re launches Swiss Africa  Specialty  Risks
         become a part of the firm after the  Re Life Guide Scout, a Gen- launches first Lloyd's syn-
         finalization of the National Company
         Law Tribunal merger process.       erative AI-powered under- dicate
         The process is expected to be com- writing assistant                  Re/insurance group Africa Specialty
         pleted later this year. In the meantime,  Swiss Re launches an augmented ver-  Risks (ASR) has announced the launch
                                                                               of ASR Syndicate 2454 at Lloyd's.
         Global Insurance Brokers will operate  sion of its Life & Health underwriting
         independently as an Aon company.   manual Life Guide. The new version  This marks a significant milestone as it
                                            comes equipped with Swiss Re Life  becomes the first African-focused syn-
         Rishi Mehra, Head of Aon for India, will                              dicate at Lloyd’s, managed by Apollo.
         join the GIB board as its chairman sub-  Guide Scout, a Generative AI-powered  Having received “in-principle” approval
         ject to customary approvals. Jon Pipe,  underwriting assistant, developed by  in  December,  the  syndicate  com-
                                            Swiss Re, that integrates Microsoft
         CEO and principal officer of Aon India                                menced underwriting on April 26, 2024
                                            Azure OpenAI Service. Swiss Re Life
         Insurance Brokers and GIB's existing                                  with a planned gross premium of ap-
         executive leadership team, will work  Guide Scout aims to help increase the  proximately £70 million for the year.
         closely with Mehra to help clients  efficiency and quality of underwriting
         make better decisions to protect and  by generating swift answers compiled  ASR Syndicate 2454 will underwrite
                                            from curated expert knowledge in re-  the group's existing lines of business
         grow their business.
                                            sponse to questions asked by the un-  which encompass political risk & trade
         Mehra said, "This is an exciting mile-  derwriter in natural language.  credit, political violence and terrorism,
         stone in Aon's journey in India and re-  Life & Health insurance underwriting  parametric, energy,  property, con-
         flects our commitment to the Indian  is a complex process that requires ac-  struction, liability, and treaty. Addition-
         market. The exceptional talent and  curate and up-to-date information to  ally, there are plans to introduce new
         breadth of capabilities across our two  assess an insurance applicant's risk. To  lines of business in 2024, pending the
         firms will create opportunities for our  make the right decisions, underwriters  required approvals.
         colleagues and expand our ability to
                                            invest a significant amount of time to  Presently, only 2% of Lloyd’s business
         better serve the growing needs of our
                                            search and review information using  originates from Africa, a figure ASR
                                            standard search tools to identify rel-  Syndicate 2454 intends to increase sig-
         The acquisition is expected to bolster  evant sources and facts.      nificantly.
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