Page 20 - Insurance Times May 2024
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The word "influencer" itself has been around since the mid-  The influencer effect: Friend or FOE for
         1600s, though not as a job title. Back then, it broadly
         described anything or anyone with the power to alter beliefs  insurance consumers?
         and impact events. Think of historical figures or movements  Social media influencers have become a pervasive force,
         that sparked societal change.                        shaping consumer behavior across demographics. Their re-
                                                              latable personas and engaging content foster trust, influ-
         Fast forward to the 1960s, and "influencer" took on a more  encing how people perceive and choose products and ser-
         marketing-oriented meaning. It referred to individuals who  vices, including insurance.  However, the influencer effect
         could nudge consumer decisions towards specific products  can be a double-edged sword in the complex world of insur-
         or services. However, the social media revolution of the 21st  ance.
         century gave birth to a new kind of influencer: charismatic
         online personalities with massive followings.  These individu-  Social Proof: Influencers showcase themselves using or en-
         als leverage their social media presence to promote a vari-  dorsing specific products, creating a sense of "everyone else
         ety of things, from products and brands to entire lifestyles,  is doing it" and influencing purchase decisions. According to
         to their engaged audiences.                          a study by Forbes Advisor, nearly one in 10 people who have
                                                              purchased private life insurance did so because they heard
         In the realm of insurance, influencers have emerged as  about it from social media influencers, with around 16% of
         powerful voices shaping consumer perceptions and decisions.  the 18-24 age group influenced by social media endorse-
         Influencers often share their own experiences with insur-  ments.
         ance, whether it's detailing a smooth claims process or rec-
         ommending a particular policy that aligns with their  Perceived Expertise: Through consistent content creation,
         lifestyle. Moreover, influencers collaborate with insurance  influencers cultivate an image of knowledge in their niche.
         brands to create sponsored content, further amplifying their  Their confidence and presentation can lead viewers to trust
         influence and reach.                                 their recommendations, even if they lack formal qualifica-
                                                              tions. The rise of influencer marketing in the insurance in-
         However, the reliance on influencers for insurance advice  dustry has seen key personalities providing unique insights,
         raises questions about transparency, expertise, and poten-  personal experiences, and recommendations that resonate
         tial conflicts of interest. While influencers may offer valu-  with potential customers, driving brand awareness and con-
         able insights and personal anecdotes, their recommenda-  versions.
         tions should be scrutinized alongside professional advice and
         thorough research to ensure consumers make informed  Emotional Connection: Influencers excel at storytelling and
         decisions that truly meet their needs and protect their fi-  building emotional bonds with their audience, subtly influ-
         nancial well-being.                                  encing purchase decisions by weaving product endorsements
                                                              into relatable narratives. Social media influencers leverage
         Influencer Effect: Fact or Fiction?                  their storytelling abilities to educate and engage audiences
                                                              about insurance coverage, simplifying complex concepts and
                                                              highlighting benefits. This emotional connection can be par-
                                                              ticularly valuable in industries like insurance, where trust
                                                              plays a critical role in consumer decisions.

                                                              Now, let's delve into the insurance context and the poten-
                                                              tial risks:

                                                              Example 1: Fitness Enthusiast and Health Insur-
                                                              Consider a popular fitness influencer promoting a specific
                                                              health insurance plan.  They might highlight the plan's low
                                                              monthly cost and convenient online features in their posts.
             Beware of rosy pictures
                                                              This could entice people seeking a healthy lifestyle to choose
             Do your research, don't just follow likes        this plan without understanding coverage limitations.  How-
             Talk to a professional, secure your future       ever, the plan might have exclusions on gym memberships,

                                                                           The Insurance Times  May 2024      19
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