Page 51 - Insurance Times May 2024
P. 51

Setting  premiums  as  incentives  for                  Total economic and insured losses in
         adaptation measures                                                  2023 and 2022
         Increased exposures due to economic and population    USD billion            2023 2022 Previous 10-y
         growth, urbanisation and wealth accumulation remain the  in 2023 prices                        average
         main force behind rising SCS-related losses, and climate  Economic losses (total)  291  295        235
         change-effects are likely to exacerbate the trend. Another  Natural catastrophes  280  286         223
         factor is changes in exposure vulnerabilities, such as a rapid  Man-made catastrophes  11  9        12
         growth of solar power system installations on roof tops.  Insured losses (total)  117  141          99
                                                               Natural catastrophes    108    133            89
                                                               Man-made catastrophes      9     8            10
         The first step to cutting losses is to reduce the loss potential
         through adaptation measures like enforcing building codes,  Note: Due to rounding, some totals may not correspond with
         building flood protection  barriers,  and  discouraging  the sum of the separate figures.
         settlement in areas prone to natural perils. Additionally, a  Source: Swiss Re Institute
         collaboration with primary insurers, insurance associations
         and the public sector enables a data exchange which is key  Disclaimer
         for shared risk mitigation.                          Although all the information discussed herein was taken from
                                                              reliable sources, Swiss Re does not accept any responsibility for
                                                              the accuracy or comprehensiveness of the information given
         Download the sigma study and join the                or forward-looking statements made. The information provided
         Swiss Re Media Dialogue                              and forward-looking statements made are for informational
                                                              purposes only and in no way constitute or should be taken to
         We will discuss the key findings of the report and how
                                                              reflect Swiss Re's position, in particular in relation to any
         collaboration is required to maintain insurability in a press
                                                              ongoing or future dispute. In no event shall Swiss Re be liable
         event on 26 March, 11:00 to 12:00 CET. Please join us in
                                                              for any financial or consequential loss or damage arising in
         person in Zurich or online and register via this link: Swiss Re  connection with the use of this information and readers are
         Media Dialogue. The English version of the sigma 1/2024,  cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking
         "Natural catastrophes in 2023: gearing up for today's and  statements. Swiss Re undertakes no obligation to publicly revise
         tomorrow's weather risks", is available in electronic format.  or update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result
         You can download it here.                            of new information, future events or otherwise.

                                           Attention Subscribers

                                We have revised our Subscription tariff wef 4.2.2023.

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                                                          Discount Voucher          post*         Subscription
           IT- 1            1 Years         1200                 -                  1680              900
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           Kindly refer to the article- Indian Insurance Industry welcomes you by R Venugopal- on page 26 in the April copy of Insurance
           Times. It is mentioned there in the first para that FDI limit has been increased to 49 percent from 26 percent in the sector.
           This is wrong. The correct position is FDI limit has been increased to 74 percent from 49 percent in the sector. We regret
           this error.
                                                                                                        - Editor

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