Page 37 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 37


             to earn, move and store proceeds disguised as       or service below market value, an exporter can shift
             legitimate trade. Criminal organizations frequently  funds to the importer very easily, as the payment to the
             exploit global trade system to move value around the  exporter is less than the value that the importer
             world by employing complex and even sometimes       receives when the goods are sold at market value.
             confusing documentation associated with legitimate  Similarly, by invoicing a good or service at a higher rate
             trade transactions. In particular terrorist financiers take  than the market value, the exporter transfers the value
             advantage of the size / complexity of the international  from the importer because the payment to the exporter
             trade and finance system to obscure individual      is greater than the value the importer receives when
             transactions through :                              the goods or service are sold at the market value.
             O   The complexities involved with multiple foreign
                 exchange transactions and diverse trade financing

             O   The co-mingling of legitimate and illicit funds, and
             O   The limited resources that most customs agencies
                 have to detect suspicious trade transactions.
                 Practically most of the customs agencies inspect
                 less than five percent of all cargo shipments
                 entering or leaving their jurisdiction.

         In addition, money launderers have exploited vulnerabilities
         in the use of letter of credit and other financial
         arrangements that are necessary for facilitating cross border
                                                              These types of transactions generally require collusion by
         trade to launder funds. TBML techniques vary in complexity
                                                              both parties and can have significant tax implications. Also,
         and are frequently used in combination with other money  complex products and products that travel through supply
         laundering techniques to further obscure the money trail.
                                                              chains are more apt to be used in these types of over and
                                                              under-invoicing activities because they complicate the ability
         The crime involves a number of schemes in order to
                                                              of customs officials to determine the true market value of
         complicate the documentation of legitimate trade
                                                              such goods and services.
         transaction, such actions may include moving illicit goods,
         falsifying documents, misrepresenting financial transactions
                                                              Under invoicing of exports is one of the most common trade-
         and under or over invoicing the value of the goods / services.  based money laundering techniques used to move money.
         In most cases, TBML activities comprise of efforts to
                                                              It reflects the fact that the primary focus of most customs
         misrepresent the price, quantity or quality of goods, as they
                                                              agencies is to stop the importation of contraband and
         transit across borders or through supply chains. It is one of  ensure that appropriate import duties are collected, which
         the most sophisticated methods of money laundering
                                                              is one of the major revenue generators to the economy.
         through which hundreds of billions of dollars laundered every
                                                              Thus, customs agencies generally monitor exports less
         year. TBML activity is considered to be growing in both
                                                              rigorously than importes.
         volume and global reach.
                                                              Most of the customs agencies do not have access to data
         Some of the basic techniques used in Trade Based     to establish 'fair price' of most the products. Moreover they
         Money Laundering are :                               see only one side of the transactions, as most of the customs
         Y   Over and under-invoicing of goods and services : Money  agencies do not share trade data with other countries. As
             laundering through over and under-invoicing of goods  such, their ability to identify incorrectly priced goods is often
             and services is one of the most commonly used methods  limited to those that are widely traded and whose prices
             for laundering funds across borders. By invoicing a good  are widely quoted in the international markets.

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