Page 39 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 39


         International Bodies have initiated efforts to prevent and
         apprehend money launderers.  Financial Institutions across
         the globe have also put in place check points to detect
         transactions involving money laundering. Recent anti money
         laundering laws have developed with the modern war on
         drugs. In more recent times anti money laundering
         legislation is seen as adjunct to the financial crime of terrorist
                                                              and inspection, in order for a buyer to claim them. This
         The problem of TBML is significant and difficult to detect.  process serves a variety of economic and national security
         Like most forms of money laundering, sophistication of  interests and can also be a vital point of interest to combat
         structuring and the ability to co-mingle illicit transactions  TBML.
         with legitimate transactions makes it very difficult to detect.
         Transactions are stitched together in a way where    Financial Institutions, Regulators and other related parties
         individually, they may appear on their face to be legitimate,  are investing huge resources in technology to improve their
         and can only be detected when looked at across a broad  ability to identify anomalies in payments, non-documentary
         spectrum to identify the illicit pattern.            and documentary trade. An integrated combination of data
                                                              analytics from Customs, Shipping Companies, Financial
         The Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering was  Institutions and Regulators, could offer a vastly improved
         established to combat the growing problem of money   ability to identify patterns of illicit behavior, illicit flows and
         laundering.  The task force was charged with studying  have a material impact on interdicting TBML. Further there
         money laundering trends, monitoring legislative, financial  is a need for stronger focus on training programs to better
         and law enforcement activities taken at the national and  identify trade based money laundering techniques, the need
         international level, reporting on compliance and issuing  for more effective information sharing among all concerned.
         recommendations and stands to combat money laundering.
                                                              Red Flag indictors : Trade Regulators have come out with
         Anti-money laundering (AML) is mainly used in financial and  a number of red flag indicators that are routinely used to
         legal industries to describe the legal controls which are  identify trade based money laundering activities.  Exchange
         required to be initiated to prevent, detect and report money  of trade related information with other related agencies
         laundering transactions. AML guidelines came into    like, customs, regulators, financial intelligence units, tax
         prominence globally as a result of formation of Financial  authorities and financial institutions be voluntary rather than
         Action Task Force (FATF) and the formation of an     mandatory.
         international frame work of AML standards. FATF initiated
         a process to identify those countries where deficiencies are  An effective AML program requires a jurisdiction to
         persisting in their law and non co-operative countries, which  criminalize money laundering and giving the relevant
         are being made public.                               regulators powers to initiate appropriate action, also share
                                                              information with other countries as appropriate and require
         A starting point for all stake holders is to continuous  the financial institutions to identify their customers, establish
         education, awareness, procedures and compliance      risk based controls, keep records, report suspicious activities
         discipline. As technology continues to evolve rapidly, more  etc.
         tools to combat TBML will be available. Unfortunately,
         criminal organizations are always working to stay one step  There are a number of practical steps, like building better
         ahead, often utilizing some of the same technology.  awareness, capacity building to identify trade-based illicit
                                                              activity, which could be undertaken to improve the capacity
         Customs clearance is a vital check point where all goods  of all the related parties to the international trade, to
         entering a country must have proper classification, valuation  combat trade-based money laundering. T

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