Page 44 - Banking Finance April 2018
P. 44


          Figure 1: Distribution of Financial Assets          Deposit is only Rs.58,316). On the other hand, the term
                                                              depositors of above Rs.15 lakh as per RBI, SBI Research is
                              in India
                                                              only 1.3%, who holds 55% in terms of amount of the total
                                                              term deposits of the banking system.

                                                              To be fair to banks, the DICGC should allow the premium
                                                              payable by the banks to be calculated only on the amount
                                                              of cover available and not the entire assessable deposits of
                                                              customers, as is being currently done. This will improve the
                                                              profitability of the banks.

                                                              The resolution methods of FRDI Bill which spread confusion
                                                              among depositors is the 'bail-in' clause, where the financial
                                                              firms / companies issue securities in lieu of the money
                                                              deposited.  It means, in case the firm's financial situation
                                                              deteriorates, deposits could be converted in securities such
                                                              as shares in the bank.  However, the truth is that the risk is
         (Source: Report of the Working Group on Resolution Regime
                                                              much less in the proposed bill.  Currently, DICGC provides
         for Financial Institutions)
                                                              deposit insurance of upto Rs.1 lakh. and rest of amount is
                                                              forfeited in the rare event of the bank failure.
         High stake in distribution of Financial Assets in India is Banks
         i.e., 63% and their portfolio of deposits as on 31st March,  Cross Country Deposit Insurance
         2016 is as follows:
                                                               Coverage & Per capita Income (in USD)
            Deposits of SCBs according to Type of              Country       Deposit     Per capita   Coverage
                  Deposits as on March, 2016                               Insurance       Income      as times
                                                                            Coverage          (PCI)      of PCI
          Type               No. of   Amount       Avg.
                                                               Australia     1,82,650       49,928          3.7
                            Accounts     (in      Balance
                             (in mn.)  trillion)  per A/c (Rs.)  Brazil       64,025         8,650          7.4
          Current A/c          57        9       1,51,163      Canada          72,254       42,158          1.7
          Savings Bank A/c    1351       27       19,759       France        1,08,870       36,855          3.0
          Term Deposits A/c    239       61      2,54,391      Germany       1,08,870       41,936         2.6.
          Total               1646       96       58,316       India            1,508        1,709          0.9
                                                               Italy         1,08,870       30,527          3.6
         Source: RBI, SBI Research
                                                               Japan          88,746        38,894          2.3
         In India out of the term deposits a/cs, 67% of the total Term  Russia  19,210       8,748          2.2
         Deposit A/cs are of less than Rs.1 lakh, who holds only 8.6%  UK    1,11,143       39,899          2.8
         of the Term Deposit in terms of value.  Thus, even if any
                                                               US            2,50,000       57,467          4.4
         banks every hypothetically fail, then it would not affect the
                                                              Source: IADI, World Bank, SBI Research
         small depositors at all, as it covered through DICGC.
                                                              Data on Cross Country Deposit insurance Coverage limit
         As per the data mentioned above, the average balance per  shows that Deposit insurance coverage in India is one of the
         term deposits a/c is Rs.2.54 lakh, while the overall average  lowest at Rs.1 lakh / $1,508 / 0.9 times India's per capital
         balance (including Savings Bank, Current Account & Time  income.

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