Page 20 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 20

Road Safety

          Vision Zero and the

          Role of Insurance in

          Achieving Road

                                                                                        Dr. Dileep Kumar S. D.
          Safety                                                                  Assistant Professor and Coordinator

                                                                                      PG Department of Commerce
                                                                        PES Institute of Advanced Management Studies
                                                                                            Shivamogga, Karnataka

           Vision Zero is a road safety philosophy and strategy that originated in Sweden in the late 1990s.
           The fundamental principle behind Vision Zero is the belief that no. loss of life or serious injury on
           the roads is acceptable. It aims to create a transportation system where no traffic-related fatality
           or severe injury is regarded as inevitable or acceptable.


           The Insurance industry in the country plays multiple and pivotal roles, and contribute substantially for the overall
           development of  the economy. In spite of this pivotal role as the concept of Vision Zero gain increasing attention
           worldwide, including India. A comprehensive road safety strategy aimed at eliminating traffic-related fatalities and
           severe injuries. However, it focuses specifically on the role of the insurance industry in supporting and promoting
           vision zero initiatives. By analyzing data, providing financial incentives, supporting technological advancements, col-
           laborating with stakeholders, investing in research, and advocating for road safety, insurers can can contribute signifi-
           cantly to the achievement of vision zero goals. In this background, this paper makes an attempt to provide an analysis
           of the various ways in which insurance companies can actively participate in creating safer roads and reducing traffic-
           related incidents.

         Background of Vision Zero                            It acknowledges that human beings make mistakes and,
                                                              instead of blaming individuals, focuses on creating forgiving
         Vision Zero is a road safety philosophy and strategy that
         originated in Sweden in the late 1990s. The fundamental  road environments that account for human fallibility.
         principle behind Vision Zero is the belief that no. loss of life  Vision Zero takes a holistic approach to road safety by ad-
         or serious injury on the roads is acceptable. It aims to cre-  dressing multiple factors that contribute to accidents. It en-
         ate a transportation system where no traffic-related fatal-  compasses various elements, including safe road design,
         ity or severe injury is regarded as inevitable or acceptable.  traffic management, vehicle safety standards, education,
         The concept of Vision Zero is based on the understanding  and enforcement. It recognizes that a combination of engi-
         that human errors are an inherent part of the transporta-  neering, education, and enforcement measures is essential
         tion system, and it seeks to design roads and traffic systems  to achieve significant improvements in road safety. The suc-
         in a way that minimizes the risk and severity of accidents.  cess of Vision Zero in Sweden prompted other countries and

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