Page 17 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 17

Helene, which caused unexpected dev-  regulatory reforms, and evolving con-  South Korea's Insurance
          astation in North Carolina's Appala-  sumer behavior is reshaping the insur-
          chian Mountains, illustrate how tradi-  ance landscape across regions. While  Market  Forecasted  for
          tional risk models are being upended.  the increasing frequency of extreme  Steady Growth
          Many economic losses from such events  weather events highlights the urgency
          remain uninsured, as standard policies  for climate-adaptive insurance solutions,  South Korea's general insurance sector
          often exclude damages from second-  market-specific factors such as demo-  is projected to grow at a compound
          ary perils like flooding.         graphic shifts and economic recovery  annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2%
          In Europe, 2024 has been particularly  are influencing growth trajectories.  from 2024 to 2029, with direct written
                                                                               premiums reaching $33.3 billion. Fac-
          costly for insurers following two severe  As seen in South Korea  and Saudi  tors such as economic recovery, regu-
          floods in central and eastern regions.  Arabia, regulatory frameworks and  latory mandates, and rising demand
          Projections for the 2050s indicate that  targeted initiatives are driving market
          northern Germany, among other ar-  expansion and addressing emerging  for liability and health insurance are
          eas, will face increased risks of pluvial  risks. Meanwhile, the experiences of  driving this expansion.
          flooding. These developments under-  Nepal's life insurance sector in adopt-  Motor insurance, which constitutes
          line the urgency for robust infrastruc-  ing global standards underscore the  nearly 60% of the market, is expected
          ture, flood-resistant construction, and  importance of international collabora-  to grow modestly at 1.7% in 2024 due
          proactive risk management to address                                 to declining vehicle sales. However,
                                            tion and knowledge-sharing to en-
          the escalating challenges posed by cli-                              inflation-induced increases in repair
                                            hance resilience and transparency.
          mate change.                                                         costs are anticipated to support a 4.5%
                                            The growing emphasis on climate risks,
          Raymond Barrett, lead author of the  as highlighted by Aon's survey, reflects  CAGR from 2025 to 2029. Liability in-
          S&P report, noted that insurers have  a broader shift in consumer and indus-  surance, the second-largest segment,
          long acted as an early-warning system  try priorities. Insurers are increasingly  is forecasted to grow by 12.2% in 2024,
          for identifying and mitigating risks.  being called upon to not only provide  driven by regulatory initiatives such as
          With climate change intensifying natu-                               the Virtual Asset User Protection Act
                                            financial protection but also act as
          ral disasters, it is crucial for industries  catalysts for broader societal and en-  and revisions to the Personal Informa-
          beyond insurance to adopt a cross-                                   tion Protection Act.
                                            vironmental resilience. By embracing
          sectoral approach to managing these  innovation, fostering collaboration,  The personal  accident  and  health
          risks effectively.
                                            and addressing emerging challenges  (PA&H) insurance segment is also wit-
          Broader Implications for the      proactively, the global insurance indus-  nessing significant growth, fueled by an
                                            try can position itself as a key player in  aging population and rising healthcare
          Global Insurance Industry         navigating an increasingly complex risk  costs. This segment is expected to ex-
          The convergence of climate change,  landscape.                       pand by 14% in 2024, with a 5.1%
                                                                               CAGR forecast for 2025-2029. Despite
           Nepal's Life Insurance Industry Adopts Global Stan-                 challenges, including geopolitical ten-
                                                                               sions that may impact premium pric-
           dards                                                               ing, the sector remains resilient, bol-
           Nepal's life insurance sector is gearing up for the adoption of International  stered by evolving consumer needs and
           Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 17 and the Risk-Based Capital (RBC)  robust regulatory frameworks.
           model, with guidance from Sri Lanka's Ceylinco Life. A delegation from Nepal,
           including top executives from 10 life insurance companies, engaged with
           Ceylinco Life to understand the challenges and strategies for implementing        Join
           these standards.                                                          Online Certificate
           Ceylinco Life shared its experience transitioning from IFRS 4 to IFRS 17, em-  Course on
           phasizing the importance of consistent principles for insurance contract ac-
           counting. The RBC model was highlighted as a critical tool for ensuring fi-  Marine Insurance
           nancial stability and risk management. Nepal's regulators aim to facilitate
           the industry's transition while aligning with global best practices, marking a  For details please visit
           significant step forward in the modernization of its insurance sector.

         16    December 2024  The Insurance Times
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