Page 12 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 12

1,500 crore in premiums from Kerala
          in FY25. This marks a 21% growth from  Ayushman Bharat Expansion Adds Over 2 Lakh Eld-
          its FY24 premium collection of Rs.  erly Beneficiaries
          1,250 crore. The company boasts a   The expanded version of the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya
          commanding 72% market share in the  Yojana (AB-PMJAY) has seen significant traction, enrolling over 2.16 lakh
          state and settled claims worth Rs. 740  elderly beneficiaries within a week of its launch. This extended scheme re-
          crore in FY24.                      moves income-based eligibility criteria and provides coverage of up to Rs. 5

          Kerala, with its high literacy rate and  lakh for individuals above 70 years of age.
          increasing awareness of health insur-  Kerala led the registrations, with nearly 89,800 elderly beneficiaries receiv-
          ance, remains a key market for Star  ing health cards. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh followed, with 53,000
          Health. The insurer aims to strengthen  and 47,000 new enrollees, respectively. The program aims to address the
          its foothold in the state by expanding  healthcare needs of one of the most vulnerable demographics, particularly
          its network and introducing customer-  in states like Kerala and Uttar Pradesh, which have high elderly populations.
          friendly policies. The company's strong  By expanding coverage, the scheme ensures financial security for senior
          presence in Kerala underscores its  citizens, reducing their out-of-pocket expenses.
          strategy of leveraging regional mar-
          kets to drive national growth.
                                            20 private health insurers paid less  fected  families.  Additionally,  the
          Medi Assist Expands TPA           than 80% of the claimed amounts in  government's Niramaya Health Insur-
                                            2023. This means that for every Rs. 1  ance Scheme provides up to Rs. 1 lakh in
          Market Through Strategic          lakh claimed, policyholders received  coverage for conditions like autism, ce-
          Acquisitions                      less than Rs. 80,000, with the balance  rebral palsy, and multiple disabilities.
                                            amount borne by them.              These developments signify a growing
          Medi Assist, a leading player in India's                             recognition of neurodivergent care in the
          fragmented Third Party Administrator  In contrast, public sector insurers out-
          (TPA) market, is focusing on acquisitions  performed their private counterparts.  insurance sector, driven by regulatory
                                                                               mandates and increased awareness.
          to consolidate its position and expand  New India Assurance led the industry
          its geographical footprint. The company  with a payout ratio of 98.74%, followed
          has recently integrated two significant  closely  by  Oriental  Insurance  at  Galaxy Health Insurance
          acquisitions, Paramount Health Services  97.35%. These figures underscore the  Introduces  Affordable
          and RAS, into its operations, enhancing  efficiency of public sector insurers in  Plans
          its service capabilities.         addressing policyholder claims, high-
                                            lighting the challenges faced by pri-  Galaxy Health Insurance, a new en-
          Paramount Health Services, headquar-  vate insurers in meeting customer ex-  trant in the standalone health insur-
          tered in Mumbai, provides services                                   ance market, has launched its first
          such  as  cashless  hospitalization,  pectations.                    product, 'Galaxy Promise.' Backed by
          telemedicine, and post-hospitalization                               prominent industrialists, the policy of-
          care, while RAS strengthens Medi Neurodivergent Care Finds           fers comprehensive health coverage
          Assist's expertise in claims manage-  Place in Insurance Coverage    with sum insured options ranging from
          ment. By integrating these entities
                                            Insurance for neurodivergent condi-  Rs. 3 lakh to Rs. 1 crore.
          into its technology-driven platform,  tions, such as autism spectrum disor-
          Medi Assist aims to deliver consistent  der, is gaining traction in India, ad-  Available in Signature, Elite, and Pre-
          and  efficient services nationwide.  dressing a previously underserved seg-  mier plans, the product is designed to
          These strategic moves align with the                                 provide financial security while promot-
                                            ment. Families  of individuals with  ing preventive health practices. Galaxy
          company's vision of becoming a mar-
                                            neurodivergent conditions often face  Health Insurance aims to address ris-
          ket leader in the TPA segment.
                                            significant financial burdens due to the  ing healthcare costs and ensure acces-
                                            high costs of therapies like behavioral,  sibility for families across India. This
          Private Insurers Fall Short       occupational, and speech therapy.  launch marks the company's commit-
          in Claims Payouts                 Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has intro-  ment to creating solutions that com-
          A report by the Insurance Brokers As-  duced policies covering these treat-  bine affordability, stability, and compre-
          sociation of India (IBAI) revealed that  ments, offering financial relief to af-  hensive support for its customers.

         12    December 2024  The Insurance Times
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