Page 70 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 70

Actuarial Principles in Microinsurance: Romain de   UNEP FI-V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility's approach
             Harlez elaborated on how actuarial principles can en-  to climate risk, emphasizing the role of climate-smart
             sure sustainable pricing for microinsurance products,  insurance in building resilience among MSMEs.
             addressing the high-risk profiles of low-income popula-  Insights from V20 Countries: Rafkat Kabir and Yannick
                                                                 Milev shared experiences from Bangladesh and Cam-
             Toolkit Applications: Amir Hassan provided a step-by-  bodia, highlighting how climate-resilient credit portfo-
             step walkthrough of how to apply the toolkit in differ-  lios have protected MSMEs from financial losses due to
             ent market conditions, stressing the importance of con-  climate events.
             textual adjustments based on local health and income  Practical Applications for MSMEs: Uthpala Thilini
             data.                                               Gunawardana provided case studies from Sri Lanka,
             Audience Interaction and Q&A: The workshop facili-  where regional banks integrate climate risk insurance
             tated a Q&A session where participants discussed the  to secure the financial stability of MSMEs.
             challenges of pricing in underserved markets, and ex-
                                                                 Collaborative Implementation: Brandon Mathews fa-
             plored how the toolkit could support their organizations  cilitated discussions on the importance of collaboration
             in developing affordable insurance offerings.       between insurers, governments, and MSMEs to scale
                                                                 these solutions effectively.
         Attendees left with a comprehensive understanding of the
         toolkit's applications, equipping them with practical tools to  This session showcased actionable strategies for integrat-
         support sustainable and inclusive insurance pricing.
                                                              ing climate risk insurance into MSME financing, providing
                                                              attendees with models that can be adapted to their own
         Workshop 3: Landscape of Climate Risk In-            markets.
         surance Solutions for MSMEs in V20 Coun-

         tries                                                Workshop 4: 19th A2ii Consultative Forum
                                                              - Enhancing Data-Driven Insurance Super-
         Hosted  by:  United  Nations  Environment
         Programme (UNEP)                                     vision

         Speakers:                                            Hosted by: Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii)
             Manoj Pandey, APAC Coordinator, UNEP FI-V20 Sustain-  and International Association of Insurance Super-
             able Insurance Facility, Switzerland             visors (IAIS)
             Rafkat  Kabir,  Lead,  Strategy  &  Implementation
             (MSME) - Microfinance, BRAC, Bangladesh          The 19th A2ii Consultative Forum brought together inter-
                                                              national experts to explore the role of data-driven insurance
             Yannick Milev, CEO, Chameroun MFI, Cambodia      supervision. The forum was structured into three sessions:
             Uthpala  Thilini  Gunawardana,  Deputy  Manager  Session 1: Foundations of Data-Driven Supervision
             Sustainability Unit, Regional Development Bank, Sri
             Lanka                                            Speakers:
                                                                 Gabriel Porto, General Coordinator of Economic Stud-
             Ny Lyhoung, Business Unit Head/CEO, Micro & Agri-
             culture Insurance, Forte, Cambodia                  ies, SUSEP, Brazil
                                                                 Barbara Chesire, Managing Director, AB Entheos Ltd.,
         Facilitator: Brandon Mathews, Global Coordinator, UNEP  Kenya
         FI-V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility, Switzerland.
                                                              Facilitator: Matthias Range, Executive Director, A2ii, Ger-
         This workshop offered insights into the landscape of climate  many
         risk insurance solutions for Micro, Small, and Medium En-
         terprises (MSMEs) in V20 countries, which are highly vulner-  This session introduced the basic principles of data-driven
         able to climate change.                              supervision, emphasizing consumer protection. Speakers
                                                              discussed the benefits and challenges of using data analytics
         Key Topics Discussed:                                in regulatory frameworks, highlighting the need for ethical
             Climate-Smart Insurance: Manoj Pandey presented the  practices in data collection and usage.

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