Page 75 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 75

Bethwel Murkomen shared that farmers expect immediate  every stage of the process: "Include women in the design
          payouts following extreme weather events, but positive basis  of the solution, from product design to distribution and pay-
          risk can create false expectations, leaving them disappointed  out. This is key to understanding and effectively addressing
          when future payouts don't materialise.              their needs."

          Summary:                                            Summary:
          This session examined "basis risk" in parametric insurance,  This session focused on strategies to address the gender
          where discrepancies between actual losses and model-based  protection gap in insurance. Rajvi Joshipura from SEWA dis-
          triggers can erode client trust. Andrea Camargo explained  cussed insurance solutions tailored for women informal
          the impact of unmanaged basis risk on smallholder farmers,  workers in India, emphasizing products responsive to
          who may face financial distress despite holding insurance.  women's unique needs, such as maternity and health cov-
          Bethwel Murkomen presented One Acre Fund's strategies  erage. Fatou Giwa from IFC presented data showing the
          for aligning payouts more closely with ground realities, in-  economic benefits of closing the gender insurance gap, with
          cluding  improved local data integration and regular  evidence suggesting women's increased uptake in financial
          recalibration of parametric models. Alastair Norris shared  resilience tools contributes positively to local economies. The
          best practices in disaster risk consulting to manage and re-  session underscored the need for gender-sensitive policies
          duce basis risk effectively in climate insurance.   and products in fostering financial empowerment.

          Parallel Session 3: Women, Insurance, Risk Parallel Session  4: Lessons  from  Index-
          Management, and the Path to Financial Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) and De-
          Empowerment                                         Risking in the Horn of Africa

          Hosted by: CGAP and Global Shield                   Hosted by: CEAR and Utrecht University
          Speakers:                                           Speakers:
             Rajvi Joshipura, Consultant, Self Employed Women's  Nathaniel Jensen, Senior Research Fellow, University
             Association (SEWA), India                           of Edinburgh, UK
             Fatou Giwa, Global Lead Women's Insurance Program,  Lotte van der Haar, PhD Candidate, Wageningen Uni-
             IFC, USA                                            versity, Netherlands
             Astrid Zwick, Co-Director, Global Shield Secretariat,  Anouk van Veldhoven, PhD Candidate, Utrecht Uni-
             Germany                                             versity, Netherlands
             Carlos Lopez Moreira, Senior Policy Advisor - Imple-
             mentation, IAIS, Switzerland                     Facilitator: Michael Mbaka, Country Relationship Manager
                                                              - DRIVE, Zep-Re, Kenya
          Facilitator: Anaar Kara, Senior Financial Sector Specialist,
          CGAP, France                                        Summary:
                                                              This session reviewed the successes and challenges of the
          Excerpts: Anaar Kara, CFA emphasised that as we discuss  Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) initiative in Kenya and
          building resilience, we must recognise that we cannot  Ethiopia. Nathaniel Jensen discussed the long-term impact
          achieve this without women: "Women manage the house-  of IBLI on household resilience, finding that insured house-
          hold budgets, protect their children, and safeguard their  holds showed improved economic stability. Lotte van der
          families."                                          Haar's research focused on targeting and gender dynamics
                                                              within IBLI, noting that gender-sensitive communication
          Fatou Fall Giwa highlighted that a one-size-fits-all ap-  strategies helped increase female farmers' participation. The
          proach does not suffice: "You have to look at women as  session reinforced the importance of tailored communica-
          daughters, wives, and workers. From cradle to grave, their  tion and consistent policy adjustment to meet pastoral com-
          needs differ and must be adapted to address the risks they  munities' needs effectively.

          Astrid Zwick stressed the importance of involving women at  Parallel Session 5: Creating Innovation Eco-

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