Page 80 - The Insurance Times December 2024
P. 80
Jeffrey Sachs, Director of the Center for Sustainable Devel- Lastly, Ram Sahaya Yadav, Hon'ble Vice President of Nepal,
opment at Columbia University, President of the UN Sustain- emphasised that the main objective of inclusive insurance is
able Development Solutions Network, SDG Advocate for UN to provide coverage to all sections of society, enabling the
Secretary General António Guterres, USA, asserted that poor and marginalised to achieve economic security. He
"insurance is a fundamental feature of any well-functioning called for education about the importance of insurance and
economy." He expressed concern over the loss of insurance collaboration between governments and insurance compa-
coverage due to climate shocks and called for redesigned nies to ensure access for all, regardless of location.
public policies to enhance insurance accessibility.
Surya Prasad Silwal, Chairman of the NEPAL INSURANCE AU- These insights remind us that inclusive insurance is not
THORITY (Insurance Regulatory), spoke to the unprecedented merely a financial tool but a pathway to resilience and eco-
challenges posed by climate change and social inequalities. He nomic stability for vulnerable communities. Let's continue
stressed that insurance is critical in times of increasing uncer- to advocate for inclusive practices, empowering individuals
tainty, providing "hope and certainty to the most vulnerable." and communities everywhere!
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