Page 36 - Insurance Times July 2016
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exclusion clauses that intend to limit the liability of the    behind this could be the fact that marine insurance market
insurer under the policy. For instance, in a clause which is   is a place where the demand side is made up of professional
worded "warranted free from seizure and capture", the          people like ship-owners, cargo-owners, consignees,
warranty means that the insurer is not liable for the perils   consignors, charterers etc. and they are expected to have
of capture and seizure.                                        a certain amount of knowledge regarding rules and
                                                               practices which are followed both in domestic and
However, the word 'warranty', in a technical sense, is used    international trade and commerce.
to refer to a certain term of the insurance contract, breach
of which has particular legal consequences. With a             Classification of Marine Insurance
warranty, one party of the insurance contract, the assured,    Warranties
undertakes certain obligations that need to be fulfilled
within a certain time frame and the liability of the insurer,  A marine warranty is defined by S 35 (1) of the MIA 1963
under the insurance contract, depends on the assured's         as follows :
compliance with those obligations. In this respect,            "……….. a promissory warranty, that is to say, a warranty
warranties are used by the insurer as a shield against         by which the assured undertakes that some particular thing
liability.                                                     shall or shall not be done, or that some condition shall be
                                                               fulfilled, or whereby he affirms or negatives the existence
Warranties are quite commonly used in marine insurance         of a particular state of facts".
policies and The Marine Insurance Act (MIA), 1963 has
provided the legal framework therefore. Warranties also        It is clear from this definition that the MIA 1963 has
appear in all types of non-marine insurance policies.          regarded all maritime warranties as "promissory". The
Generally speaking, the rules laid down by the MIA 1963        phrase "promissory warranty" is a collective expression for
for marine insurance warranties could also be applied for      all marine warranties and they are categorized according
non-marine insurance warranties. However, there are            to different criteria.
certain differences that exist between marine and non-         (1) Classification of promissory warranties according to
marine warranties.
                                                                    the time of undertaking :
First, the implied warranties that have been incorporated           Certain warranties relate in time to the circumstances
in marine insurance policies by MIA 1963 do not exist in            of the risk. For instance,a warranty whereby "the
non-marine policies. The main reason for this distinction is        assured declares that the ship-managers have a certain
that non-marine insurance lacks the element of maritime             citizenship", is a warranty of this type. In cases where
adventure. Accordingly, in non-marine insurance policies            such a warranty is breached, the insurer never comes
warranties must be formulated by express wording.                   on risk and, accordingly, the premium is refundable due
                                                                    to total failure of consideration.
Secondly, in marine insurance it is a statutory rule that an
express warranty must be incorporated in the policy by              Some warranties undertake that a given state of affairs
words of reference appearing in the policy itself. This does        would be satisfied or avoided at some time after
not, however, appear to be the general rule in non-marine           inception of the risk. This kind of warranty is referred
insurance where it is sufficient for an insurer to obtain the       to as a "warranty as to future events". A navigation
signature of the proposer to a declaration in the proposal          warranty which requires the insured vessel not to
form which says that "This proposal is to serve as the basis        navigate in certain seas during the currency of the
of the contract", whereupon the warranty is an effective            policy is a warranty of this type. By virtue of S 35 (3) of
term of the contract, even though not expressly stated in           the MIA 1963, the breach of such a warranty does not
the policy.                                                         prevent the risk from running and leaves untouched
                                                                    any right that has already vested in the assured at the
Finally, it has been observed that courts have a tendency           time of the breach.
to construe non-marine insurance warranties narrowly so
that the scope of the undertaking is restricted. But in             An assured with a warranty might undertake that a
marine insurance, despite the applicability of similar              given state of affairs would not only exist at the
interpretation rules, courts are reluctant to interpret             inception of the risk but exist during its continuation
warranties in favor of the assured. One possible reason             as well. Warranties of this type are called "continuing
                                                                    warranties". The implied "warranty of legality" that
                                                                    requires the insured adventure to be a lawful one and

36 The Insurance Times, July 2016
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