Page 37 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 37

be carried out in a lawful manner is a good example of      To determine whether there was a common intention to
     a "continuing warranty". There could be other               incorporate an express warranty in the policy is not an easy
     warranties which mandate the stowing of cargo in the        task.In the case of HIH Casualty & General Insurance Ltd.v.
     holds in a given manner so that they don't shift during     New Hampshire Insurance Co.and Others (2000),the Court
     voyage. This type of warranty is especially of relevance    of Appeals, London declared that a term is a warranty:
     in respect of cargo stored on the deck of the ship.         (a) If it goes to the root of the contract;

(2) Classification of promissory warranties according to         (b) If it is descriptive of the risk or bears materially on the
     the nature of the undertaking :                                  risk of loss; and
     Depending on the nature of the undertaking,
     warranties may be divided into "affirmative warranties"     (c) If damages would be an inadequate or unsatisfactory
     and "warranties that need to be satisfied by a positive          remedy for the breach.
     or negative act". The 'affirmative warranty' affirms or
     negatives the existence of a particular state of facts,     Despite the fact no specific format is necessary to lay down
     like the warranty whereby the assured warrants that         an express warranty, S 37(2) of the MIA 1963 requires a
     the flag of the insured vessel has always been Indian.      warranty to be included in or written upon the policy or
     The implied "warranty of sea-worthiness", which             contained in some document incorporated by reference in
     requires the insured vessel to be sea worthy at the         the policy. Necessity for inclusion of an express warranty is
     commencement of a voyage is an example of a                 unique to marine insurance and has no application in non-
     warranty of this type. In cases where the assured           marine insurance. A warranty may be written in any part
     affirms or negatives the existence of a certain fact with   of the policy document, either at the top or bottom, or
     a warranty, and the affirmation or negation is proven       transversely on the margin, or on the back. An express
     to be inaccurate, the insurer never comes on risk.          warranty does not exclude an implied warranty, unless
                                                                 inconsistent therewith, vide S 37(3) of the MIA 1963.
(3) Classification of promissory warranties according to
     their structure :                                           The parties to a marine insurance contract are given a wide
     According to their structure, warranties could be           range of discretion, not only to lay down an express
     express or implied. In fact, this is the classification on  warranty on any matter but also to determine its
     which the warranties regime in the MIA 1963 is based.       scope,range and reach. The express warranties that find a
     Express warranties appear in the policy or are              special mention in the MIA 1963 are warranties of good
     incorporated therein through reference to them or           and beneficial safety, nationality and neutrality. Some of the
     through endorsement. Under the "doctrine of freedom         other express warranties that find frequent inclusion are:
     of contract", the number and extent of express              (i) Warranties as to geographical limits
     warranties depend upon the mutual agreement
     between the assured and the insurer. Implied                (ii) Warranty as to stowage and salvage services
     warranties, on the other hand, are incorporated in
     certain marine insurance policies by the provisions of      (iii) Warranties as to cargo carried
     the MIA 1963 and, accordingly, their number and scope
     are determined by the Act.                                  (iv) Survey warranties and

                                                                 (v) Premium warranties.

Express Warranties and the necessity for

their inclusion in Marine Insurance


Section 37 (1) of the MIA 1963 provides that no conventional
or technical wording is required for the formulation of an
express warranty. An express warranty could be written
with any kind of wording, provided that the parties'
common intention is to give the status of warranty to the
condition/clause in question. The words "warranty'' or
"warranted" are, therefore, not essential to formulate an
express warranty.

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