Page 47 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 47
Non-Life Insurance Plan
Two Wheeler
from Bharti AXA General Insurance
Basic Insurance Cover dental, external and visible means while travelling in
the vehicle or during mounting into/dismounting from
Provides comprehensive two wheeler insurance (cov- the car.
ers you when your bike sustains damage due to an
accident, fire or is stolen) Third Party Bodily Injury Liability - Compensation for
damage or liability causing bodily injury or death to
Third Party Liability (Kicks in case of a claim against another person will be taken care of by Bharti AXA
you for injury or damage to third party person(s), General Insurance.
vehicle or property)
Property Damage Liability - Compensation for dam-
Basic Insurance Cover + Personal Acci- age or liability to other's property will be as per legal
dent Cover proceedings, subject to the limits mentioned in the
All benefits of Basic Insurance Cover
Personal Accident Cover for both passengers of the
two wheeler (rider and pillion rider) that provides a Bike insurance policy excludes:
compensation of Rs. 1 lakh per rider in the event of
death/permanent total disablement arising from two Common wear and tear of the vehicle
wheeler accident.
Loss or damage due to depreciation of vehicle
Electrical & mechanical breakdown
Bike insurance policy would cover the following:
Loss or damage incurred outside the geographical area
Loss or damage to the insured vehicle due to: of India
1. Fire/ Earthquake/ Flood/ Cyclone Accident/ Ter-
rorism/ Riots/ Strikes Loss or damage caused when driving under intoxica-
2. Accident by external means
Loss or damage caused by an unauthorized person
3. Transit by road, rail, inland waterways, air or lift without a valid driving license
Personal Accident Cover for Owner-Driver - Compen- Loss or damage due to nuclear risks
sation for death injury/death sustained by the owner-
driver of the insured car caused due to violent, acci- Vehicle being used otherwise than in accordance with
restrictions as to use
!! Hearty Congratulations !!
Thanks readers for excellent response for our Insurance Quiz published in our June 2016 issue. This month the lucky
winner of the Quiz is PUJA SALUJA.
Who will be the next?????
The Insurance Times, July 2016 47