Page 51 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 51


IRDAI Circular

Draft Guidelines for Listed Indian                                            shall seek prior approval of the Authority in the
Insurance Companies                                                           manner specified in these guidelines.

                                                   Date:15-06-2016  4. Provisions Relating to Shareholding:
                                                                         a. Every insurance company which intends to go for
The Authority, in exercise of the powers conferred by Section                 listing shall convert its equity share holding in Demat
14 of Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of                       format.
India Act, 1999, read with clause (b) of sub-section (4) of
Section 6A of the Insurance Act, 1938, proposed to issue                 b. The minimum shareholding by promoters / promoter
Guidelines for Listed Indian Insurance Companies.                             group shall at all times be maintained at 50 percent
                                                                              of the paid up equity capital of the insurer. However,
A summary of these guidelines is as under:                                    where the present holding of the promoters is below
                                                                              50 percent, such holding shall be the minimum
1. These Guidelines shall be applicable to all insurers who                   holding.
     have listed their equity shares or are in the process of
     getting their shares listed on the stock exchanges in               c. Ownership limits for all shareholders, other than
     relation to transfer or proposed transfer of shares.                     promoters/ promoter group, in a definitive time
                                                                              frame as may be specified by the Authority, shall be
2. These guidelines shall be in addition to IRDAI (Issuance                   based on categorization of the shareholders under
     of Capital by Indian Insurance Companies transacting                     two broad categories viz. (i) natural persons
     Life Insurance Business) Regulations, 2015 and IRDAI                     (individuals) and (ii) legal persons (entities/
     (Issuance of Capital by Indian Insurance Companies                       institutions).
     transacting other than Life Insurance Business)
     Regulations, 2015.                                                  d. A subsidiary company may invest in a listed insurance
                                                                              company, provided it complies with all the provisions
3. Provisions relating to Transfer of the Shares:                             as may be applicable for such an investment under
     a. Every person who intends to make any transfer/                        applicable laws.
          make any arrangement or agreement for
          transferring 1 percent or more but less than 5            5. The Guidelines shall also be applicable to an insurance
          percent of the paid up equity share capital of the             intermediary licensed by the Authority provided that such
          concerned insurer, may do so, subject to the                   insurance intermediaries are drawing more than 50
          compliance of Fit and Proper criteria.                         percent of its revenue from insurance business.

     b. Every person who intends to make an acquisition /           The comments/suggestions should reach by 22nd June, 2016
          make an arrangement or agreement for acquisition          to the undersigned by e-mail at rksharma [at] irda [dot] gov
          which will / is likely to take the aggregate holding of   [dot] in with a copy to Dr. Mamta Suri, HOD-F&A at mamta
          such person together with shares held by him, his         [at] irda [dot] gov [dot] in
          relatives, associate enterprises and persons acting
          in concert with him, to 5 per cent or more of the                                                                  R K Sharma
          paid-up equity share capital of the concerned insurer                                                               Joint Direct

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