Page 56 - Insurance Times July 2016
P. 56

Poll         Will IRDAI be able to keep track of the Online
                                                            Insurance Product Sells and Services in the
                                                    No                                long run?
                                                Can’t say
                                                               Results of Poll in our June 2016 Issue

                                                                   Do you think insurers should solely
                                                                 depend on the Banks for selling their


Premium Balances                              You may send your views to :                                      Yes         60
                                                                                                                 No         40
Premiums and agents' balances in              Poll Contest, The Insurance Times                        Can’t say            00
course of collection; premiums, agents'
balances and installments booked but          25/1, Baranashi Ghosh Street, Kolkata - 700 007
deferred and not yet due; bills receivable,   Phone : 2269 6035, 2218 4184, 4007 8428
taken for premiums and accrued retro-         Email:
spective premiums.
                                                3 foreign re-insurers set to get IRDAI approval
Premium Earned
                                              The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) is likely
The amount of the premium that has been       to accord final approval to three foreign re-insurers to set up branches in India
paid for in advance that has been             for starting direct operations by the end of June.
"earned" by virtue of the fact that time has
passed without claim. A three-year            Four foreign re-reinsurance players - Germany's Munich Re and Hannover Re,
policy that has been paid in advance and      Switzerland's Swiss Re and France's SCOR - have already got the preliminary
is one year old would have only partly        approval, called R1 in the insurance parlance.
earned the premium.
                                              This time around, "the final approval may be granted to a few - most likely to
Pretax Operating Income                       three", said an insider in the domestic regulator.

Pretax operating earnings before any          The final approvals will formally open up the Indian market for major foreign
capital gains generated from underwrit-       re-insurers to carry out direct business. Foreign re-insurers have so far been
ing, investment and other miscellaneous       operating in India through offshore sites.
operating sources.
                                              IRDAI, after opening the door for all foreign re-insurers, except Lloyd's, for
Pretax Return on Revenue                      registration and setting up branches in the country last October, also paved
                                              way for Lloyd's entry into the country in a separate regulatory guideline in
A measure of a company's operating prof-      November.
itability and is calculated by dividing
pretax operating earnings by net premi-
ums earned.


                MONTH OF MAY, 2016 (Rs in crores)                                                      NON LIFE INSURERS

                                              Growth of                                                % of Growth

INSURERS                   MAY                May 2016     CUMULATIVE                                  Upto May 2016

                                              over         UPTO MAY                                    over the period

                                              May 2015                                                 Upto May 2015

                2016-17 2015-16                            2016-17 2015-16

Private Sector  3510.24 2876.82               22.0%        8119.85 6949.80                                           16.8%

Public Sector   4250.99 3627.59               17.2%        9735.44 8567.09                                           13.6%

Stand-alone Health 328.27       250.04        31.3%        646.64                              499.34                29.5%

Specialised     177.95          169.59        5.0%         294.08                              312.09                -5.8%

Grand Total     8267.45 6923.96               19.4%        18796.01 16328.32                                         15.1%

56 The Insurance Times, July 2016
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61