Page 24 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 24


          Supreme Court tax ex-             CERC decision on tariff upheld
          emption ruling may lead           The Supreme Court dismissed a large number of appeals by electricity consum-
                                                                    ing companies in the eastern part of the country,
          to fresh litigation                                       challenging the ruling of the Appellate Tribunal for

          Supreme Court ruling in favour of tax                     Electricity on the question of fixing tariff.
                               depart-                              The main issue was the applicability of the provi-
                               ment    in                           sions of the Electricity Act of 2003 in relation to
                               cases that                           those of the Damodar Valley Corporation Act of
                               involve am-  1948. In this batch of judgments, led by Bhaskar Shrachi Alloys Ltd vs DVC, the
                               biguity in   court gave weight to the new law, as did the Appellate Electricity Tribunal which
                               tax exemp-   had earlier dismissed the companies' challenge to the tariff.
          tion clause may trigger a fresh slew
          of litigation. Experts said the depart-  They had raised issues regarding the depreciation rate, sinking fund, debt-eq-
          ment was likely to re-open similar  uity ratio, return of capital investment revenue relating to afforestation and
          cases that were decided with a lib-  period of transition. The judgment stated that under Section 79 of the Electric-
          eral interpretation of tax laws, in  ity Act, it was the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) which would
          favour of the assessee.           be the "appropriate commission" to determine the tariff as DVC is a corpora-
                                            tion under the central government. It upheld the decision of the CERC.
          The  five-judge bench in its order put
          the onus on the assessee to demon-  Directors cleared in cheque bounce
          strate they meet all the conditions
                                            The Delhi High Court recently reiterated that in order to prosecute directors of
          for availing any exemption. This will
          mean businesses will have to be ex-  a company for issuing cheques without sufficient
                                            fund in the bank, it must be shown that they were
          tra careful in planning tax exemp-
          tions and holidays, experts said. "The  in charge and responsibile for the day-to-day af-
                                            fairs of the company. Merely naming them is not
          burden of proof will go up and plan-
                                            enough under the provisions of the Negotiable in-
          ning will need to be carefully done,"  struments Act. In this case, Jwala Devi Enterprises
          noted Girish Vanvari, founder, Trans-
                                            vs Fadi El Jaouni and others, it criminal complaints
          action Square, a tax consultancy  were field under the Act for prosecution of directors of a company.
                                            The magistrate issued process but on appeal, the sessions judge quashed the
          The Constitutional bench's order  complaints. Thereafter, the payees moved the High Court it dismissed the ap-
          overruled its 21-year-old verdict that
                                            peals stating that the accused were not stated to be signatories to the cheques.
          in case of any ambiguity in a tax ex-  "They cannot be roped in merely because they have been directors of the ac-
          emption provision or notification, it  cused company. The general averments that they were responsible for all the
          must be interpreted in favour of the  business dealings and for the circumstances leading to the dishonour of the
          assesse claiming the benefit.     cheques or that they had given any assurance as to the cheques do not suffice,"
          Amit Maheshwari, partner of Ashok  the judgment explained.
          Maheshwary & Associates, said the
          ruling effectively meant that if any  Dutch firm wins patent suit
          area-based exemption was available  The Delhi High Court has held that an Indian firm had violated the patent of a
          under direct and indirect tax laws,  Dutch corporation and ordered compensation. Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V
          and if any conditions attached for  alleged that it was a global corporation with a large number of patents in the
          availing the exemption were not   field of electronics. It alleged that Mangalam Technology and associated com-
          complied, the exemption could be  panies infringed upon its patent In DVD and decoding technology and demanded
          denied. "The burden of proof of eli-  compensation. The lndian firms maintained that major components of the DVD
          gibility of exemption shall be on the  players were procured from authorised licensees like Sony, MediaTek, Sanyo and
          taxpayer," he added.              ST Micro from China after due payment of all the taxes and customs duties.

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