Page 23 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 23




          Daily wagers cannot be            Supreme Court upholds  award of interest by the ar-

          reinstated with back              bitrators
          wages                             In a dispute between Reliance Cellulose Products Ltd and Oil and Natural Gas
                                                               Corporation (ONGC), the Supreme Court has upheld the
          When daily wage workers are ille-                    rate of interest of 18 per cent awarded by the arbitra-
                               gally termi-                    tors before, during the arbitration and future interest.
                               nated, they                     ONGC had objected to the rate of interest and moved the
                               cannot be                       civil judge against the award, but it was rejected, though
                               reinstated   the rate of interest was reduced to 10 per cent. Both parties moved the Su-
                               with back
                                            preme Court against the order.
                               wages by
          the industrial court. They can only be  Reliance argued the civil judge reduced the rate of interest on the ground that
          sent away with compensation, the  ONGC was a public sector company. It contended that there was no good reason
          Madhya Pradesh High Court ruled   to reduce the interest. ONGC argued that it was not liable to pay interest accord-
          last week in the case of workers  ing to the contact. The court rejected ONGC stand and emphasised that the
          were employed by State Bank of    agreement on the supply of chemicals by Reliance did not reduce the power of
          lndore, and later that bank was   the arbitrators to order interest. It also agreed with Reliance stating that ONGC
          merged with State Bank of India. The  being a public sector undertaking was not sufficient to depart from its liability.
          daily wage workers sought         SBI Cards to pay for unfair practice
          regularisation in SBl, which was de-
          nied. The workers moved the central  SBI Credit Cards was indicted by the West Bengal Consumer Commission for
          government industrial tribunal.   failing to comply with the settlement arrived at before
                                            the Banks Ombudsman and sending bills after bills,
          lt ordered reinstatement of the work-  though the card dues were settled five years earlier.
          ers with 50 per cent back wages.
          The SBl management appealed to    In this case, Bhaskar Banerjee vs SBI Cards, the consumer
          the High Court, citing Supreme Court  owed nothing to the public sector firm but it refused to
          judgments which had held that such  issue a no due certificate; instead, it continued to send fictitious bills. The
          workers were entitled only to com-  Ombudsman told the company to issue the certificate but it did not. The mat-
          pensation. This view was accepted  ter was taken to the district consumer forum. It ordered the firm to pay com-
          and the High Court set aside the  pensation and stop the unfair practice. Still, SBI Cards did not stop sending bills
          labour court order. it ordered the  which now mounted to mere than Rs. 95000. Banerjee also found himself in
          bank to pay ftp lakh each to the  the Cibil blacklist. He appealed to the state commission. It raised the compen-
          workers who sought reinstatement.  sation amount and severely criticised SBI Cards for its anti-consumer conduct.

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