Page 18 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 18


          Indiabulls Housing Fi-            ICRA Upgrades Long Term Credit Rating of Piramal Capi-
          nance raises Rs 3,000             tal & Housing Finance Limited to AA+ (Stable)
                                            Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Limited (PCHFL), the wholly owned subsid-
                                                                     iary of Piramal Enterprises Limited, has received
                                                                     an upgraded rating of AA+ (Stable) from AA (Posi-
                                                                     tive) by ICRA (an affiliate of Moodys) for its Long-
                                                                     Term Bank Lines, Non-Convertible Debentures and
                                                                     Sub-Ordinate (Tier-II) Bonds.
                                            The rating upgrade takes into account the healthy ramp-up in financial services
                                            business with increasing diversification of its asset base while maintaining
          Indiabulls Housing Finance raised
          about 3,000 crore through bonds and  favourable asset quality supported by robust risk management practices at
          offshore loans, using the proceeds to  PCHFL. The rating upgrade also factors in the gradual scaling up of the home-
          meet the ever-increasing demand for  loans portfolio which is expected to improve the diversity in the overall loan
          credit from borrowers keen to step  book which had hitherto comprised of wholesale loans.
          onto the property ladder. LIC of In-  This rating also draws comfort from the Group's expertise in real estate given its
          dia and Credit Suisse have subscribed  presence across the value chain, as well as the strong leadership team, strong
          to domestic bonds of 1,000 crore  systems and processes. ICRA has also reaffirmed the short term rating of A1+ for
          each.                             the commercial paper programme. This reinforces a trend of strong revenue
                                            growth coupled with revenue diversification and robust risk management metrics.
          These 10-year bonds offer about
          8.90 percent. It also raised about  Mr. Khushru Jijina, Managing Director, Piramal Capital & Housing Finance said,
          Rupee 250 crore with five-year ma-  "Our existing relationships with our counterparts across sectors, the financial
          turity bonds that were sold to other  flexibility arising out of being a part of the Piramal Group and strong manage-
          investors. Five-year bonds will pay  ment team with prior experience in retail lending are the key drivers of this
          8.80% a year. Furthermore, the    rating upgrade. With a goal to increasing diversification and granularity across
          triple-A rated company also raised  our lending business, the company will continue to grow profitability, raise funds
          $105 million (about Rupee735 crore)  at competitive rates and maintain healthy asset quality."
          from overseas banks as part of its  PCHFL's strong capitalisation profile supported by the sizeable capital infusion
          external commercial borrowing     by the promoter group, provides it with enhanced financial flexibility and ad-
          (ECB) programme.                  equate head-room for growth over the near to medium term and the increas-

          So far, Indiabulls Housing has raised  ing prominence of financial servicing business for the Piramal Group.
          more than $1 billion in the ECB mar-
          ket with ANZ, Barclays Bank, CTBC,  Indiabulls Housing Finance Postpones Interest Rate
          and MUFG helping their recent off-  Hike for Kerala
          shore fundraising. Early July, ET re-  Indiabulls Housing Finance said it has decided to postpone the interest rate hike
          ported that the company had raised  for its Kerala-based customers by two months and
          $240 million via ECB.             also waive penalty for delay in payment of August
          The housing finance company is likely  and September EMIs for its home loan customers.
          to use interest rate swaps to convert  As part of its "relief measure, the housing finance
          these fixed rate liabilities to floating  company has also decided to waive the process-
          rate, which helps in asset-liability  ing fee for home improvement loans to customers
          management, said one of the per-  whose homes have been affected.
          sons cited above. Interest rate swap,  "The interest rate hike, which is applicable for all customers post the increase
          or IRS, is a derivate instrument that  in repo rate, has been deferred by two months specifically for Kerala based
          companies use as the hedge against
                                            customers. The new increased interest rates will now be applicable from Octo-
          interest rate fluctuations.
                                            ber 2018," the company said in a statement.

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