Page 15 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 15


          Sebi proposes re-classifi-        Govt to unveil New Industrial Policy Soon
          cation of promoters               The government will shortly unveil a new industrial policy that aims to speed up
                                                                    regulatory reforms and lower power tariffs to make
          The Sebi proposed a three-phase                           businesses more competitive and create more jobs,
                               process for                          senior officials said. The policy, being given final
                                                                    touches by the Department of Industrial Policy and
                               cation of
                                                                    Promotion (DIPP), will be presented to Cabinet for
                               promoters                            approval in the next two weeks, they said.
                               as public
                               sharehold-   The proposals include establishing an overarching body with representation by
          ers. In the first stage, the concerned  the Centre and the states similar to the Goods and Services Tax (GST) Council to
          promoter shareholder or the com-  enable swift decisions on key changes such as the revamp of labour laws, taxa-
          pany will have to file an application  tion provisions and land leasing.
          to the stock exchange requesting re-  Crucially, India's industrial sector has a 29% share in GDP at current prices, well
          classification. In the next stage, the  below 44% for China. The reform is being pitched as potentially the biggest over-
          request will go to the board of direc-  haul of industrial policy in about 30 years and will come just ahead of national elec-
          tors.                             tions next year. The policy proposes a direct benefit transfer (DBT) for electricity for
                                            households and agriculture, which will result in lower tariffs for industry.
          The board will then provide its rec-
          ommendation, which will be placed
          before the shareholders. In the third  I-T Dept to Scrutinise only High Tax Evasion Cases
          and final stage, the proposal will be  The Income Tax department said it has picked up only high tax evasion cases for
          put before the shareholders in a gen-  scrutiny, which account for around 0.35 per
          eral meeting and approved through  cent of the 6.86 crore returns filed for Assess-
          an ordinary resolution. The con-  ment Year 2017-18. Central Board of Direct
          cerned promoter will not be permit-  Taxes (CBDT) chairman Sushil Chandra said that
          ted to vote on such resolution. Also,  the department has faith on the income tax
          there has to be a cooling off period  payers, but will not allow evaders to scot free.
          between the date of board meeting  "We have increased the tax base and have full faith on taxpayers. Last year, we
          and shareholder meeting.          got 6.86 crore returns and I have picked up only 0.35 per cent cases for scru-
          "Such stages will also ensure that  tiny. This means that 99.65 per cent of the returns filed can be at peace,"
          there are enough checks and bal-  Chandra said.
          ances in place to ensure that inter-  He said out of this 0.35 per cent cases picked up for scrutiny, 0.15 per cent are
          ests of all stakeholders are safe-  for 'limited scrutiny' and 0.20 per cent are for 'full scrutiny'. "This shows that in
          guarded," Sebi said in a consultation  only high tax evasion cases, we will go for scrutiny," Chandra said.
          paper, based on the recommenda-   A scrutiny procedure in the income tax system pertains to a case where a tax-
          tions made by the Kotak Committee
                                            payer is required to provide a number of documents to the assessing officer (AO)
          and the primary market advisory
                                            after his or her case is picked up for a threadbare examination after study of
          committee (PMAC) on the matter.
                                            their tax returns.
          The issue of re-classification had as-
          sumed significance at the time of  India's fuel demand jumps 7.3% in July
          implementation of minimum public  India's fuel demand rose 7.3 per cent in July, driven by sharp rise in petrol and
          shareholding (MPS) norms. In order                   diesel consumption. Fuel consumption in July totalled 17.05
          to comply with the 25 per cent MPS                   million tonnes as compared to 15.88 million tonnes in the
          rule, some entities were seen re-clas-               same month last year, data from the Petroleum Planning
          sifying themselves as ordinary share-                and Analysis Cell (PPAC) of the oil ministry showed. The rise
          holders just to comply with the regu-                comes on back of a 8.6 per cent growth in June when
          lations.                          demand totalled 17.99 million tonnes.

            BANKING FINANCE |                                                           SEPTEMBER | 2018 | 15
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