Page 13 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 13


          GST: Rs.54,378-cr ex-                                 GST audit
          porter refunds cleared till                           The GST audit of e-commerce companies ordered by the
                                                                National Anti-profiteering Authority is stuck over the is-
          July end                                              sue of jurisdiction, as the Central Board of Indirect Taxes

          GST refund claims of Rs 54,378 crore                  and Customs(CBIC) is of the view that the NAA has no
                              of exporters  powers to give such directions, an official said.
                              have been
                              cleared by    Centre extends suspension of reverse-charge mecha-
                              the Centre    nism under GST by one year
                              and state tax
                              officials till  The Centre has extended the suspension of the reverse charge mechanism on
          July end, the finance ministry said.  purchase of goods or services by registered dealers
                                            from unregistered dealers. The suspension was earlier
          As of July 31, 2018, the total amount  valid till September 30 this year. However, this has
          of Integrated GST (IGST) refund   been extended by one year. The suspension would now
          claims disposed by CBIC is Rs 29,829  be valid till September 30, 2019, the Central Board of
          crore, taking the disposal rate to 93  Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has said.
          per cent. Besides, Rs 24,549 crore
          has been paid on account of Input  This is not the first time such dispensation is being extended. This suspension
          Tax Credit (ITC) to exporters who  was earlier available till March 31, 2018, and then extended to June 2018 and
          claimed refund by filing RFD-01A.  then to September 30, 2018. It has now been extended to September 30, 2019.
                                            With this, any registered dealer can purchase goods or services from unregistered
          Of this, the Central Board of Indirect  dealers without forking out GST under reverse charge till September 30 next year,
          Taxes and Customs (CBIC) has cleared  tax experts said. This move will bring significant compliance relief to large busi-
          Rs 16,074 crore, while the state au-  nesses and encourage them to buy from unregistered dealers, they added.
          thorities have refunded Rs 8,475
                                            GST Collection in July Rises to Rs.96483 cr
          "The CBIC has successfully concluded  Revenue collection under the Goods and Services Tax (GST) stood at Rs. 96,483
          the Third Refund Fortnight from July
                                                                  crore in July, the government said. That marked a sec-
          16-31, 2018. Till July 31, 2018, the to-
                                                                  ond consecutive month in which the GST revenue col-
          tal GST refunds disposed by the Cen-                    lection crossed the Rs. 95,000 crore mark. The govern-
          tre and the States are to the tune of                   ment said the revenue was broadly on expected lines
          Rs 54,378 crore," the finance minis-                    and that Rs. 3,899 crore was released to the states as
          try said in a statement.
                                                                  GST compensation for the months of April and May.
          During the third refund fortnight, the
                                            The GST revenue collected till July 31 was for the month of June and it was
          IGST refunds of amount Rs 3,391
                                            significantly higher than the average monthly collection of Rs. 89,885 crore
          crore have been sanctioned by CBIC.
                                            during 2017-18. It was also higher than Rs. 95,610 crore collected in June (for
          "The remaining GST refunds pending  the month of May).
          with CBIC will continue to be pro-
          cessed expeditiously. However, the  New GST Tribunal on Cards
          exporters are requested to ensure
                                            A new Goods and Services Tax Appellate Tribunal, GSTAT, will soon be set up for
          that the correct procedure of filing  goods and services tax (GST), reports Deepshikha
          returns, giving accurate information  Sikarwar. The GST council has approved creation of a GST
          in Shipping Bill and submitting   appellate tribunal with a national bench and three re-
          RFD01A Application Forms to the ju-  gional benches. This will help provide a higher judicial fo-
          risdictional formations are followed  rum for the businesses for redressal of their disputes.
          for quick disbursal of their GST re-  "The proposal has been approved by the council," said a
          fund claims," the ministry added.
                                            senior government official, privy to the deliberations of the Council.

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