Page 37 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 37


          SPEAKING THE



          FOR BANKING


         F        or banking companies, millennials (those born after  Millennial banking is a serious game

                  1984) are at the crest of the challenges they face
                  in the new machine age. A different breed of
                  banking customer, the millennials are an
                                                              elements, design and principles of a game into non-game
         experiential omnivore who constantly seek better     The concept of gamification involves bringing together, the
         experiences in the way they interact with banks and access  environments like banking. Gamification helps to digitally
         their services. Winning over this influential demographic is  engage, educate and connect with millennial customers,
         not easy as it was with the previous generation, the Baby  and therefore, is a remarkable tool to acquire and retain
         Boomers. Banks have to therefore speak in the language of  customers in banking. For instance, by gamifying customer-
         the millennials, and imbibe impactful approaches such as  facing tools, banks can enhance customers' understanding
         gamification to digitally engage, educates and connect, and  of their own financial health. This also serves the purpose
         thereby win new customers, and more importantly, retain  of allowing them to monitor progress towards their
         them. Here are a few recipes for banks to win the millennial  personalized savings targets.
                                                              Automation to the rescue

                                About the author              Millennials prefer automated robo / digital financial advice
                                                              to traditional advice models. Almost two-thirds of digital
                                                              natives prefer receiving advice on innovative self-service
                         Srini Peyyalamitta
                         VP, Banking & Financial Services     platforms. These new ways of interactions are perceived to
                         at  Aspire Systems                   offer greater independence and faster response.  According
                                                              to Telestra Research 2016, almost two thirds of digital-native
                                                              millennials prefer receiving advice on such platforms.

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