Page 39 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 39
.....And I sincerely believe that banking of banking industry in India as on date. Banking institution
establishments are more dangerous than being the backbone of economy, the NPA and big ticket
frauds cantered in banks have brought tsunami in the entire
standing armies at the borders.....
financial world of country posing more dangerous than
-Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Secretary of US treasury in standing army at the borders. However this article is
1802 oriented towards the NPA and its resolution.
Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father who The banking industry has been in turmoil for last few years
was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence due to steep rise in nonperforming assets. The rising NPA
and later served as the third President of the United States has dragged the banking industry particularly public sector
from 1801 to 1809. banks into heavy losses quarter after quarter questioning
the very ability and competence of bankers to take judicious
It has been over 200 years since these words were expressed decisions. Loan accounts becoming NPA is not a new
yet they still are not only relevant but aptly define the status phenomena for the banking industry however the pace at
which the number of NPA accounts are increasing and the
volume involved is unprecedented requiring the bankers to
About the author introspect and take up damage control measure
Rakesh Bhootda immediately to arrest the NPA.
B.Sc, CAIIB, MBA (Banking & Finance)
Various Certifications of IIBF. As per latest data available total bad loans rise to Rs.7.64
Chief Manager in Central Bank of India Lakh Crore as on Sept 2017 out of which Rs.6.31 Lakh Crore
belongs to public sector banks alone. Around 11% of these