Page 44 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 44


         Now, banks and other lending institutions can obtain contact
                                                               For update news on Banking & Finance Industry
         details of such defaulters for a fee from CIBIL. It is a welcome
         move by CIBIL, as not only defaulters will be kept away from  BANKING FINANCE
         the financial system, but such defaulters will not be able to  A Leading Monthly Journal on Banking & Finance
         hide anywhere.                                        Covers                           Schemes
                                                                 RBI           Banking          1 Year  750
                                                                 Finance       Rural/Co-op      3 Year  1500
         Conclusion                                              Stock Market   Risk Management 5 Year  2250
                                                                                       Subscribe Now !!
                                                                                       Subscribe Now !!
                                                                                       Subscribe Now !!
                                                                                       Subscribe Now !!
         One of the major worries for the banks and other lending                      Subscribe Now !!
         institutions has been the large scale increase in defaults of
         unsecured loans/personal loans/MSME loans/Education                  ORDER FORM
         loans wherein the whereabouts of borrower is untraced.
                                                                New  Rental           Subscription No.
         Lenders are increasingly using social media websites to track  (Please tick)
         defaulters through skiptracing.                       Name of Executive :
         The urge of people to use social media to share their happy
                                                               Company's Name :
         moments with everybody out there in the world and to
                                                               Address :
         connect with all the people on their "friend" list at one go
                                                               Pincode :
         has become an important weapon in the hands of lenders
                                                               Phone :                 Mobile :
         to affect their recovery of dues.
                                                               Fax :                 E.Mail :
         Facebook updates, tweets, Linkedin profile, emails and  Publication Order :
         various other activities on social media leave an electronic  *Scheme Opted :     No.of Copies
         trail that may be easy to follow. However social media like  (Please mention the scheme name example : It-1, Lit-1 or Combo 4-1)
         facebook etc are still considered private and borrowers may  Period of Subscription : From    to
         feel their privacy is being compromised.              Details of payment : Cash/M.O./D.D./Cheque* No

         Although the information which is available/shared publicly
                                                               Dt              drawn             Rs.
         by the borrower cannot be considered private yet since the
                                                                 Ordinary   Registered Post (Please tick)
         lines between what is public and what is private is having a
                                                               *For outstation cheque please add Rs.50/- towards bank charges.
         hairline difference, there is a possibility of false allegation
                                                               Outstation cheques of metro cities accepted only. No Charges ap-
         by the borrower regarding this.                       plicable for payable at per cheques.
                                                                Do not make any Cash Payment
         Therefore it is imperative on the part of policy makers to  for Subcription of Journals  Signature of Subcriber
         put a policy framework and issue necessary guidelines for
                                                                        Please tear and send it along with your letter
         using skiptracing. Till that time, social media should only be
         used for locating the whereabouts of the borrower and no           Mode of  Payment
         attempt should be made by bankers either officially or by
                                                               1. Payable at per Cheque/Demand Draft favouring Sashi Pulbications
         impersonation on the social media. All communication
                                                                  Private Limited, Payable at Kolkata
         should be done on banks prescribed official channel only.  2. You can directly ECS/Deposit cash in our bank account number
                                                                  below in your city and send us copy of Pay in slip by email.
         References-                                              A/C Name  : Sashi Publications Private Limited
                                                                  A/C No.  : 402120110000327
         1.  Economical & Political weekly Dec2017                Bank     : Bank of India
         2.  The Hindu 09.02.2013 and Bobmetri                    Branch   : V V K Road Branch., Kolkata, India
                                                                  IFSC Code  : BKID0004021
         3.  Financial Express 07.07.2017
                                                               Make Online Payment by Credit Card/Debit Card or your net banking
         4.  The Economic Times 24.12.2017                     account at our website

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