Page 46 - Banking Finance September 2018
P. 46
1. A cheque of Central Bank of India bears a round stamp 7. A and B are having a savings account with operational
of Dena Bank and collection number of the bank. The instructions either or survivor and C is the nominee. Now
cheque is A has expired. The balance in the account is payable to
1] Generally crossed 1] C only 2] B only
2] specially crossed to Dena Bank 3] legal heir of A and B 4] C and B only.
3] uncrossed
4] none of the above 8. A has got a term loan account and the balance of Rs
10000/-has been recalled .You receive a garnishee order
2. A issues a cheque for Rs 10000/- to M/S R.K charitable from court for RS 10000/ attaching the credit balance of
trust as donation. The cheque was returned unpaid with RS 10000/- maintained by A. you will
reasons "Funds Insufficient" 1] Exercise right of set off against the credit balance
1] The Trust can file a criminal complaint under sec- and inform the court accordingly
138 of N.I act 2] comply with the court order
2] No criminal complaint can be filed as the cheque 3] remit 50% and appropriate 50 % towards loan
was not issued for any discharge of liability account
3] Criminal complaint can be filed only if it was 4] seek instructions from court
returned for the second time
4] none of the above 9. Satish is having a saving account and he is also attorney
of saving account holder B. You receive the notice of death
3. The transferee can not get better title than the
of Mr. Satish. Two cheques signed by Satish one in his
transferor in case of saving account and the other one in the account of B
1] A/C payee crossing
are presented in clearing. You will
2] not negotiable crossing 1] return both the cheques
3] special crossing
2] pass both the cheques
4] none of the above
3] pass the cheque of account B and return the cheque
4. Which of the following is true of Satish account
1] Promissory notes and Bills of exchange are to be 4] pass the cheque of Satish account and return the
stamped as per Indian stamp Act 1899 cheque of account B
2] Promissory notes and cheques are to be stamped
3] cheques and bills of exchange are to be stamped 10. A cheque dated 20-05-2008 was paid on 10-05-2008.The
account holder gives stop payment instruction of the
4] Cheques need not be stamped
5] 1&4 above cheque on 15-05-2008.The bank
1] will refuse to accept the instruction as the cheque
5. How many sections are there in negotiable instrument is already paid.
act? 2] Will refuse as per the recent Supreme court
1] 138 2] 146 Judgement
3] 147 4] 148 3] will refuse as issuance of post dated cheque is
6. A savings account in the name of minor A with his natural 4] will accept the stop payment instruction
guardian B was opened. The maximum amount that can
be kept as balance is 11. FCNR account can be opened by
1] RS 100000 2] RS 50000 1] all branches
3] RS 10,00,000 4] NO LIMIT 2] metro branches