Page 47 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 47

to ensure Insurance for all by 2047,
                                                                                 that is a hundred years since our
                                                                                 Independence  in 1947.  This  will
                                                                                 further  help  to  increase  the
                                                                                 penetration and reach out to the
                                                                                 Mr. P.N.  Karmakar  former  DGM,
                                                                                 United  India Insurance spoke on
                                                                                 factors influencing growth including
                                                                                 pure  risks  in  Eastern  India  and
                                                                                 supplemented  with  statistics  of
                                                                                 current  penetration  and  future
                                                              Mr. Sayan Bhattacharya, Chief Manager - Regional Claim
          workers viz doctors, bank staff,  postal dept. Staff,  govt.
                                                              (Property) Head Eastern & Southern Zone, ICICI Lombard
          Servants etc. It is their assurances and their "word of
                                                              GIC Ltd said that we all are well aware of the fact that the
          mouth" that will eventually generate the desired trust to
                                                              penetration  of  General  Insurance  in  our  country  is
          make the vision of market penetration a sustainable success.
                                                              significantly low compared to Life Insurance. One of many
          Mr. Phalguni Purkayastha, eminent surveyor in his address
                                                              factors behind the low penetration is the trust deficit of the
          in first session said that the common man doing business
                                                              customers. Customer satisfaction is a major pillar to build
          under inflationary economy cannot re-invest again to re-
                                                              such trust among the target customers.
          start venture if there is destruction due to unforeseenperils.
                                                              He added that we need to focus on the key factors which
          While incidence of Acts of God i.e.  catastrophic losses are
                                                              play the major role in customer service like Issuance of
          likely to be increased in near future due to global warming
                                                              adequate products and coverage and Simplifying claim
          and other reasons, the fund generation to pay claims can
          only increase if customer base and premium income from
          General Insurance is increased.                     Mr. Joydeep Roy, ED, Safe Risk Broker, Kolkata spoke about
          Mr. Anabil Bhattacharya former chief manager,  National  the current penetration levels in India as well as global
          Insurance, said that in India the insurance sector has taken  perspective.
          longer period to embrace digital trans formation than any  Mr. Arvind Kumar Khetan MD, Salasar Broker, Kolkata
          other sectors. This is  mainly for chosen preference for  stressed the need of tailor made products and quick response
          personal  relationships when  dealing  with insurance  time from Insurance Companies.
          placements and the complexity of the insurance purchase
                                                              Mr. Gaur Gopal Ghosh, President, GIAWOI in his address
          processes, particularly when it comes to pension, ULIP and
                                                              made few observations:
          annuity products (in the life sector) with high-end values or
                                                              1.  The cost of procuring a micro insurance proposal vis-à-
          Project & Liability insurance coverage (in non-life sector) for
                                                                 vis the agency commission is not practical at all. IRDAI
          their discreet specific underwriting requirements. Fueled by
                                                                 has to find other ways to increase penetration in rural
          FinTech  investments  and  Insurtech  startups,  Indian
                                                                 and semi urban areas.
          insurance now become a hothouse of digital innovation.
          Newly invented digital tools and capabilities will help insurers  2.  Potential is big but matching it to ground realities is a
          to  streamline  new  product  developments,  digital   totally different ball game. It requires huge investment
          experiences and the transformation of key functions - from  to reach the rural areas through Information technology
          positioning,  marketing,  distribution,  underwriting,  enabled services, who will take the risk?
          investigations and claims to finance and accounting which
                                                              3.  In the absence of incentives for agents, there is  no
          will result in increasing the penetration.
                                                                 motivation for increasing penetration. Various benefits
          Ms. Nandita Banerjee, former manager, National Insurance,  like festival advances/medical benefits, etc. need to be
          said that the Insurance Regulator has taken the initiative  well thought of.

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