Page 50 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 50

Tax probes against insurers may go on

             despite IRDAI's new commission norms

               nvestigations by the income tax and goods and  up  to  30%  of  the  gross  premium  written  towards
          I    companies over transactions worth more than 60,000  can go up  to 35%. The  regulator has  also permitted
               services tax  authorities  against 30-odd insurance
                                                              management expenses. For standalone health insurers, this
                                                              additional expenses related to setting up branches abroad
               crore will continue despite the sector regulator
          announcing new rules, according to sources familiar with the  and at the International Financial Services Centre-GIFT City,
          matter.                                             among others.
          Some of the companies under probe include HDFC Ergo, ICICI  In the case of life insurers, the cap on the expense of
          Lombard, and Aditya Birla Sun Life amongst others. While the  management is linked to product categories. For pure-risk
          GST authority is probing them for fake input tax credit, the  products, such as regular premium tern insurance policies
          tax department is investigating them for alleged tax evasion  with a tenure of over 10 years, the ceiling will be 100% of
          by violating norms set by the Insurance Regulatory and  the first-year premium and 25% of the renewal premiums
          Development Authority of India (IRDAI). Sources say both  in the subsequent years. For other individual categories
          departments are probing transactions over Rs. 60,000 crore  except for pension products, the maximum limit is 80% of
          GST evasion suspected to be upward of Rs. 5,500 crore.  the  first-year  regular  premium.  However,  the  new
                                                              regulations will only apply in future cases, said legal experts.
          The regulations announced  by  IRDAI on payment  of
          commission  to  insurance  agents  and  expenses  of  "The new payment rule will not affect the ongoing probe
          management  (EoM)  give  insurers more  flexibility  in  under the GST and I-T Acts because the rule is prospective
          managing their expenses. The rules came into effect on April  in nature and it has not been made retroactive by IRDAI,"
          1. But since the changes are not with retrospective effect,  said Ashish Kumar Singh Managing Partner; Capstone Legal.
          the new regulations would not affect the ongoing cases,
                                                              The GST probe is in its final leg with the department
          legal experts and tax officials said.
                                                              planning to issue show-cause  notices to those under
          the ongoing investigations, which cover both life and non-  investigation, said  a person privy  to  the matter. "The
          life insurers, are over insurance companies allegedly using  companies under the GST probe are violative of Sections 16
          what the tax authorities describe as 'shell companies' to pay  and 17 (deals with input credit) and Section 155 (burden of
          high commissions to agents, and allegedly accounting for  proof). Availing fake input credit is a criminal offence hence
          these payments as marketing or advertising expenses to  the rule, even if amended, won't apply retrospectively."
          reduce the tax outgo.
                                                              In the income tax case, the expenditures claimed by the
          According to a senior official privy to the probe, the norm  companies were disallowed for violation of IRDAI guidelines
          for commission in the industry is 15%, but some of the  and the change in rules will not affect these cases as well,
          insurers paid much more, with about 15% of that through  as per experts. The investigation under the GST law will now
          legitimate channels and the rest through shell companies,  focus only on tax evasion, said a legal expert.
          showing expenses, he said. The liability that these companies
                                                              "The probe will continue but as far as GST law is concerned,
          face, including the return of wrongly claimed input tax
                                                              GST authorities can investigate the tax evasion part and not
          credit, penalty and interest in the GST case itself would be
                                                              the  aspect  of  higher  payment  as  per the  insurance
          around Rs. 5,000 crore, said another person privy to the
                                                              regulations," said  Abhished  Rastogi,  founder of Rastogi
                                                              Chambers, who is arguing on several cases related to credit
          During the probe, both the  I-T and GST departments  disputes, circular trading and shell companies.
          discussed  the  matter  with  the  insurance  regulator.
                                                              While the new rule by the IRDAI to cap commissions paid
          Insurance industry executives, though, said that the tax
                                                              to agents is not likely to impact the ongoing investigations,
          authorities had wrongly interpreted marketing and sales-
                                                              it is expected to impact the profitability of large insurers as
          related expenses as commission.
                                                              they  will  end  up  paying  more  commissions  to  lure
          Under IRDAI's new regulations, general insurers can utilise  customers. (Source: The Economic Times)
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