Page 55 - Insurance Times May 2023
P. 55

Insurance Caselaws

          When  goods  can  be  said  to  have  been          in interpretation of  similar matters related to insurance
                                                              claims but the principles of Business common sense can be
          despatched/shipped  in  case  of  Marine
                                                              used in general other matters as well.
          Insurance guaranteeing default in payment by
          the Overseas Buyer.                                 Compensation under Motor Vehicles Act
                        Haris Marine Products
                                                               Judgment passed by the Supreme Court in the case
                                 Vs                                                titled as
          Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) Limited                        Ramla
                           (Supreme Court)                                            v.
                                                                      National Insurance Company Limited
          An interesting issue arose in this case when three judges  Civil Appeal No. 11495 of 2018, Special Leave to Appeal
          bench of Supreme Court was called upon to decide the issue         (C) No.22334 of 2017.
          where the foreign buyer in this case defaulted payment of
          Rs 2.45 crores for which Credit insurance policy was taken  Through a bench comprising of Justice N.V. Ramana and
          by  the  appellant herein which was to run from 14th  Justice M.M. Shantanagoudar, the Hon'ble Supreme Court
          December, 2012. The goods were handed over to Ship on  has  held  that  there  is  no  restriction  in  awarding
          13th December,2012  though the  ship sailed on 15th  compensation over and above/ exceeding the amount
          December, 2012 and ECGC in this case disputed the liability  claimed under Section 168 of Motor Vehicles Act, 1988.
          by saying that the goods were shipped before the start of
          the policy by relying on the definition of Despatch in the  Facts of the case
          DGFT guidelines. The appellant argued that despatch must  In the present case, claimants before the Hon'ble Supreme
          mean the date on which the Ship sailed as simply loading  Court were seeking further enhancement of compensation
          the goods on the ship when the loading was to continue for  from Rs. 21,53,000/- awarded by the High Court of Kerala
          days could not have been meant despatched. The Supreme  at Ernakulam.
          Court agreeing with the appellant relied on the principles
          of Business Common Sense as propounded by UK Supreme  The claimants were the dependents i.e the wife, two
          Court in Rainy Sky SA Case which was further developed in  children,  and  an  aged  father  of  the  deceased  who
          Arnold Vs Britton and held that this Court is of the opinion  succumbed to death due to grievous injuries in an accident
          that the date of loading goods onto the vessel, which  in the year 2008. Initially,  the claimants moved a claim
          commenced one day prior to the effective date of the policy,  petition before the Motor Accidents Claim Tribunal seeking
          is not as significant as the date on which the foreign buyer  a total compensation of Rs. 25,00,000/- (Rupees Twentyfive
          failed to pay for the goods exported, which was well within  Lakhs). After hearing the arguments, the Tribunal granted
          the coverage period of the Policy. Thus, the claim could not  a compensation of Rs 11,83,000/- which was enhanced by
          be dismissed simply on such basis, especially given that the  the High  Court of Kerala  by an additional award  of Rs.
          date of loading the goods onto the vessel was immaterial  9,70,000/-. Being aggrieved by the decision of the High Court
          for the purpose for which policy was taken. The court also  of  Kerala, the claimants preferred an appeal before the
          interpreted Rule of contra proferentem by observing that  Hon'ble Supreme Court for further enhancing the amount
          that an ambiguous term in an insurance contract is to be  of compensation.
          construed harmoniously by reading the contract in its
          entirety.                                           Decision of the Hon'ble Supreme Court
                                                              While deciding the present appeal filed by the claimants,
          This is a landmark judgement which will be helpful not only  the Hon'ble Supreme Court considered the salary certificate

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