Page 128 - Ebook health insurance IC27
P. 128

The Insurance Times

     Premium must be fully paid by the       Premium may be fully paid by a member
     individual                              orin partby amemberandtheaffinity group
     Individual has no bargaining power      Group has the bargaining power
     May be an adverse selection             Reduces the chances of adverse selection
     Policy taken for protecting individual  Policy may be taken by employers to give
     health                                  incentives to employees

     Common clauses in health insurance policies

     Minimum period of      l Most of the policies stipulate that the
     hospitalisation            policyholder in order to get the claim must be
                                hospitalised for at least 24 hours.
     Criteria for hospital
                            l In some cases now the company also includes
     Limits ofindemnity         daycare surgeries which do not require 24 hours
     Room rent                  hospitalisation but must be specified in the policy

                            l Hospital must be duly licensed and registered
                                Under supervision of a registered medical

                            l Minimum 15 beds in metro cities and 10 beds in
                                the smaller towns

                            This refers to the maximum amount payable for the
                            treatment expenses of the insured. It is the sum insured
                            specified in the policy.

                            Most of the policies impose sub limits where in only a
                            certain percentage of room rent is payable. For
                            example 1% of sum insured. If the sum insured is Rs.2
                            lakhs the amount payable would be Rs. 2000 per day

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